Fea of The Morrigan
January 1, 2014
March 4, 2014

Fea of The Morrigan

Project info
Taliesin by Lucy Hague
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Needles & yarn
US 6 - 4.0 mm
New Lanark Wool & Textiles Double Knitting Donegal Silk Tweed
none left in stash
7.2 skeins = 950.4 yards (869.0 meters), 360 grams
New Lanark Online Store

Finally got some decent pictures of this, I love how it turned out.

I’m rating this pattern as difficult, as there is a lot going on, & you need to have your wits about you. But once you get the hang of the techniques it is pretty straight forward. IMHO, there are some pattern layout issues, but it’s an awesome pattern, and I have no idea how the designers’s brain figured out all these loopy closed cables.

If all the abbreviations were contained on 1 page it may be easier to follow.

The video Tutorial for the decrease/increase techniques is useful, BUT it contains instructions for all 3 techniques, it would be easier if they appeared in the same order as they do in the pattern, saves time.

4.03.14 FINALLY!!!! This took ages - mind you I knitted 3 hats another shawl a bag and a sweater since starting this at the beginning of the year, just to take a break from this project.


  • Didn’t do a provisional CO, misread the pattern, just went ahead with a normal tab cast on. it turned out fine
  • I miscalculated yardage, and needed to get more yarn. I read in the forum posts that if making the small version of this shawl, once chart A & B are complete you will have used 45% of your yarn. The ‘edging’ Chart C section uses about 55% yarn, apparently! So I’m knitting the larger size, in DK I started ball 4 at r27 of the extended Chart B and I have 1 ball left, it’s not going to do it. PooHbar!

The yarn gives a woollen finish, its a strange colour; before soaking it was kind of bluey green-grey, after a soak & blocking its softened but the colour seems to have changed to a pale yellow/green grey

There was minimal errata (some feat in this complex pattern) all in Section C.

Row 7: The bold bracket was reversed with a normal one
Row 23: there’s an extra bracket (right)
Row 25: The first T2R should be a C2R.

I made this to guard my shoulders from the damp and cold of a winter’s evening …..

viewed 3600 times | helped 29 people
January 1, 2014
March 4, 2014
About this pattern
340 projects, in 1398 queues
PipiLongsocks' overall rating
PipiLongsocks' clarity rating
PipiLongsocks' difficulty rating
About this yarn
by New Lanark Wool & Textiles
90% Wool, 10% Silk
132 yards / 50 grams

652 projects

stashed 398 times

PipiLongsocks' star rating
  • Originally queued: December 29, 2013
  • Project created: December 31, 2013
  • Finished: May 21, 2014
  • Updated: September 20, 2017
  • Progress updates: 20 updates