Beaded Saroyan
October 1, 2010
November 21, 2010

Beaded Saroyan

Project info
Saroyan by L Abinante
Neck / TorsoScarf
Brevard Synphony Auction
Same as the pattern
Needles & yarn
US 8 - 5.0 mm
Sundara Yarn Aran Silky Merino
134 yards in stash
1.33 skeins = 266.0 yards (243.2 meters), 133 grams
Sundara Yarn

This Saroyan is knit according to pattern, just a bit more of the Sundara. This time I added beads to the leaf stems. A super knit and will hopefully fetch a good price at the auction

viewed 209 times | helped 1 person
October 1, 2010
November 21, 2010
About this pattern
10983 projects, in 7867 queues
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About this yarn
by Sundara Yarn
50% Silk, 50% Merino
200 yards / 100 grams

1818 projects

stashed 3103 times

Pischi's star rating
  • Project created: August 2, 2010
  • Finished: November 21, 2010
  • Updated: June 6, 2018
  • Progress updates: 3 updates