1/2/15 - frogged this shawl and added the yarn to my stash. It just wasn’t wearable.
8/29/12 - finally wearing it. The shape is a little tricky for me, as it seems to need a shawl pin. It looks like a little cape, which is cute, I guess, but not really my style. I thing I will like wearing it backwards the best, as in the photo. Best color likeness is in the swatch photo. Other photos, taken at my office, suffer from a yellow cast. (My skin is not that yellow, I swear!)
Three clues down.
Loving this project. The yarn is delicious and the pattern is fun. The clues are coming out at just the right intervals for my time commitment and knitting speed. Here it is Monday and I’m ready for the next clue, which will come out tonight.
Initially I tried doing nupps the traditional way, purling the loops together on the following row. That didn’t look very good where there was a centered double decrease that pulled two earlier nupps together, so I frogged back (managed to preserve that long, laborious cast-on, though) and restarted using Wendy-style nupps. They are much more prominent, which is OK with me.
This colorway may be too busy for such an intricate lace pattern, but I’m so in love that I’m willing to overlook its flaws.