Who's afraid of Change? A.K.A. The Yarn Beast
June 22, 2014
August 3, 2014

Who's afraid of Change? A.K.A. The Yarn Beast

Project info
Rings of Change by Frank O'Randle
a tester blanket! Probably for me...
Hooks & yarn
5.0 mm (H)
5.5 mm (I)
6.0 mm (J)
7,147 yards
Loops & Threads Impeccable
7.5 skeins = 2010.0 yards (1837.9 meters), 960 grams
Loops & Threads Impeccable
3.9 skeins = 1045.2 yards (955.7 meters), 499 grams
Loops & Threads Impeccable
4.5 skeins = 1206.0 yards (1102.8 meters), 576 grams
Loops & Threads Impeccable
3.75 skeins = 1005.0 yards (919.0 meters), 480 grams
Loops & Threads Impeccable
4.8 skeins = 1286.4 yards (1176.3 meters), 614 grams
Loops & Threads Impeccable Ombre
3.1 skeins = 595.2 yards (544.3 meters), 310 grams

Disclaimer I’ve been contacted several times by people who love my color choices and placement, and they want to make one of their own. This is mad cool! If anyone wants to copy my colors/color patterning, please feel free to do so! You don’t have to ask, though I do like knowing that someone thinks my blankey is cool enough that they want one for themselves. Many thanks!

My husband and I are already calling this blanket “The Yarn Beast”. It’s so squishy!

I’m so excited to get to be a tester for this pattern! Received the first 3rd of the pattern today. I currently only have 7 skeins of yarn, but that should be enough to get me started!

F= Fern
SF = Soft Fern
FR= Forest
DFR= Deep Forest
B= Butterscotch
like color joins were done using Russian Join method. Color changes were done with standing stitches.

22 June 2014
1-H, 2-H, 3-H, 4-H,5-H (switched over to the 5.5m hook at this point to fix gauge), 6-H, 7-F, 8-DFR, 9-B, 10-B made a mistake, didn’t picot, just ch4. to correct, I’ll run a needle with the B yarn and tie them together (though I actually like the diamond shaped holes my mistake created… I may undo the ties after the test ends),11- FR, 12-F, 13-F (had to tear out and redo twice due to skipped clusters), 14- SF, 15-SF
23 June 2014
16- DFR, 17 - B, 18-B, 19-B, 20-DFR, 21-FR, 22-FR
24 June 2014
23-F, 24-F, 25-SF, 26-SF, 27-DFR, 28-H, 29-DFR
25 June 2014
30,31,32 - B
26 June 2014
ripped out rows 30-32, as I didn’t like the yellow in that row. Will try again tomorrow with the greens
27 June
had to take friend to the hospital and lost all crochet time. Friend is fine, just a severely sprained knee.
28 June
30-FR, 31-F, 32-SF, (switch to size 6.0 mm hook to even out edge wobble) 33-DFR, 34-B, 35-B
29 June
36-B, 37-B, 38-DFR, 39-FR, 40-FR, 41-F, 42-F, 43-SF, 44-SF I have run out of the DFR, which is the color of the next round, so this project is on hold until I get paid and can go get more yarn. Also out of FR and F.
3 July
45-DFR (new skein DFR), 46-B, 47-B
4 July
48-B, 49-B(new skein B) (were I not testing this pattern, I think I’d make row 47 and 49 as post stitches, to make the cool wave thing more pronounced) 50-DFR, 51a-DFR, 52a-FR, 54a-F, 54a-SF (new skein FR,F,SF)
5 July
slogged through all the crocodile stitches. They look cool, but if I never have to do another one again, it will be too soon. anywho…. FINISHED WITH PART 1!!! I’ll sew in all the ends from part one before I move on to part 2. Oh what fun.
6 July
wove in all yarn ends from part 1.
finalized the color layout for the remaining blanket
55-SF, 56-DFR (new skein of DFR)
7 July
57-DFR, 58-H, 59-H, 60-H (new skein H)
9 July
11 July
62-DFR, 63-DFR (slight problem with 63 b/c I joined in wrong place on row 62.)
12 July
64-DFR (new skein DFR), 65-FR
14 July
66-FR. 67-FR (new skein FR)
15 July
68-FR, 69-F (new skein F)
16 July
70-F, 71-F
17 July
72-F (new skein F), 73-SF
19 July
74-SF(new skein SF) 75-SF, 76-DFR, 77-DFR(new skein DFR), 78-B (new skein B) 79-B. PART 2 COMPLETE! Now to sew in those pesky yarn ends. Ugh.
Week of 20 July-27 July
totally forgot to keep posting my progress daily, so here it is in a lump:
80-B, 81-B, 82-B (new skein B), 83-DFR, 84-DFR, 85-FR, 86-FR (new skein), 87-F, 88-F,89-SF, 90-SF, 91-DFR (new skein DFR), 92-B, 93-B (new skein B), 94-B
29-31 July
Best friend had to have surgery, and I was her baby sitter. As this blanket is no longer remotely portable, I ended up taking a smaller shawl project to the hospital and then her house. That being said, I was able to get a little work done and I finished round 95-B. Will get back to work tomorrow.
1 Aug
96-B, 97-DFR, 98-DFR, 99-FR, 100-FR
2 Aug
101-F, 102-F (new skein F), 103-F, 104-SF (new skein SF), 105-DFR, 106-DFR (new skein DFR) 107-DFR
3 Aug
108-H(new skein H), 109- H (new skein H), 110-DFR, 111-DFR (new skein DFR)

Finished!!! Ends woven in and everything! This project was so much fun to do! I recommend it to everyone who gets bored easily, as it keeps you entertained and on your toes.

viewed 5080 times | helped 49 people
June 22, 2014
August 3, 2014
About this pattern
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About this yarn
by Loops & Threads
100% Acrylic
285 yards / 127 grams

74075 projects

stashed 38209 times

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About this yarn
by Loops & Threads
100% Acrylic
192 yards / 100 grams

9461 projects

stashed 5810 times

RaptorTurtle's star rating
  • Project created: June 22, 2014
  • Finished: August 3, 2014
  • Updated: October 18, 2014