Molly's 2 year sweater
May 4, 2013
October 8, 2013

Molly's 2 year sweater

Project info
Phoebe's Sweater by Joanna Johnson
Coat / Jacket
Needles & yarn
US 10½ - 6.5 mm
Cascade Yarns ® 128 Superwash®
7 skeins = 896.0 yards (819.3 meters), 700 grams
The Fiber Gallery in Seattle, Washington
April 26, 2013

5.17.13 - I put this on Molly last night after grafting the shoulder together and it is too small! I have to rip out and make her the 4 yo size in the hopes that it will still fit in 6 months when I give it to her for her birthday. Gah!
7.18.13 - I recast on the sweater in the 4 yo size. Let’s hope this works!
8.29.13 - I have half a sleeve, the hood and some finishing to do. This is almost done. Now if I would just concentrate and work on it. Then it would be done :) I’ve tried the bigger size on Molly and it fits her so well. She also giggled when I put it on her so I suspect this will be a hit.

viewed 48 times | helped 1 person
May 4, 2013
October 8, 2013
About this pattern
409 projects, in 487 queues
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About this yarn
by Cascade Yarns ®
100% Merino
128 yards / 100 grams

20770 projects

stashed 13169 times

ReeBeckiSupergrl's star rating
  • Originally queued: April 26, 2013
  • Project created: May 11, 2013
  • Updated: October 9, 2013
  • Progress updates: 3 updates