Balena Gansey
December 1995
January 1996

Balena Gansey

Project info
Newhaven by Beth Brown-Reinsel
Needles & yarn

I knitted this sweater way back when I was living aboard my sailboat in Sausalito, and was perpetually cold. I wear it still. I loved this pattern, and knitted a second one way back then which I sent to a friend; hoping he’s wearing it still, too. I will knit another one, one of these days; it’s a great design, in pure white or any other color.
Sadly, I don’t recall what wool I used, nor what needle; back then I just bought what I could find locally, and the sweater does have a lot of pilling going on now. My next one will be better!

viewed 28 times
December 1995
January 1996
About this pattern
193 projects, in 213 queues
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  • Project created: December 27, 2020
  • Updated: December 27, 2020