That'll Work (Vintage 1918)
May 29, 2019
June 30, 2019

That'll Work (Vintage 1918)

Project info
A Serviceable Sweater by Needlecraft Publishing Co.
Needles & yarn
US 4 - 3.5 mm
US 6 - 4.0 mm Peruvian Highland Wool
14.68 skeins = 1600.1 yards (1463.1 meters), 734 grams

Yellow circled area in second photo shows that the first line of the cuff instructions is followed by the last line of the shawl collar instructions. Will have to figure out these two bits myself.

Swatched with US 6 and US 5. I get the correct gauge with US 6, but I was looking to see if I might want to work to a firmer gauge so that the sweater would maintain shape better. Didn’t like the flatness of the fabric on the smaller needles.

Planned mods: casting on 8 sts extra for back and 4 extra for each of the two fronts, because the sweater is so long and I want it to be roomy enough around the hips. Will decrease extras out starting on Row 32, every 8 rows 4x.

Will knit pocket linings that are attached as I knit the fronts, rather than knitting pockets separately and sewing on to the RS of the fabric. Need to confirm placement (and re-read the pocket instructions! It’s been awhile since I’ve done this)

The pattern has these instructions at the end of the sleeve, which read as follows

Take the smaller needles and commence the cuff on the sleeve-stitches as follows: Slip 1, (narrow, knit 2) 3 times, (narrow, knit 1) 14 times, narrow, knit 2, to end of row.

Repeat last 3 rows until you end with 2 stitches and bind off.

These two paragraphs are the first line of the sleeve cuff instructions, followed by the last line of the shawl collar instructions. In other words, there is a large section missing from the instructions.

I will work the cuff in some sort of ribbing (either k1p1 or mistake rib). That’s easy enough to work out.

The collar is easy enough to reverse engineer from the shoulders down to the base of the V. What I’m not sure about is how to work the straight part along the back of the neck. I may add some short rows in the center back of the neck to help with the fold over.

the sleeves, collar, and back can be sewn in with either face of the fabric functioning as RS/WS. The choice will depend on which CO edge is preferred and whether you want the final garter stitch row to have the knit side on the RS or WS, as the transition appearance is different for each. The two fronts are clearly written with Row 13 as RS for the right front and WS for the left front, which means the CO edge and transition rows would look different on each piece. I will start with the Back, and see which side I prefer as the RS, and then work the fronts accordingly (reversing which end of the row I start with for one of them)


Up to the armholes and BO sts complete. 15% done.


Finished the back. Short row turns indicated were simple turn and work back. When short rows were completed, instructions stated to knit across neck sts (dec 3), and then to knit to the end. the following row was a BO row.

Modification: GSR turns (these were placed, per pattern, in columns of solid knits or purls). After last turn, I worked across center 23 sts in knit, working the 3 decs. At the first double stitch, I returned to working in pattern. Because mistake rib is a two-row repeat, the pattern is maintained. On the next row, I continued to work in pattern. When I got to st 20 (final st of the shoulder, I worked a pfb, and then BO across the next 20 sts of the neck, with the pb passed over (an “extra” sts, to prevent a gap between the live sts an BO sts). For the final BO, I returned the st on the RHN to the left needle and purled together with the double stitch, then worked the second shoulder in pattern. I will use 3NBO to seam to the front shoulders.

Result is that back of neck has a RS purl ridge under the BO chain, which will be hidden by the shawl collar. Might make seaming the garter stitch collar to the neck easier. We’ll see. 20% complete.


Left front and pocket
The instructions call for knitting the front as a solid piece, and knitting the pocket separately (in the same stitch pattern as the front), and then sewing the pocket on to the front. I am going to pick up sts in the purl bumps of the final row of garter (on the WS) and knit the pocket with garter st selvedges, put on waste yarn, and then return to working the front, joining the front to the pockets as I go (so no seaming, later). I originally intended to work the pocket lining in stockinette, but the mistake rib wants to pull in, so I may work the lining in mistake rib, as well. This would create the same result as the original, but without the seaming.


Plugging away on the left front while simultaneously joining the pocket. Forgot to start the decreases. Argh. Have to rip back 4 or 5 rows.


Left front complete and seamed to back left shoulder using 3NBO. 38.5%


Decided to start the collar and work it up to the left shoulder, because why not? Maybe I’ll do a sleeve, next! 40% complete


Knit second collar piece yesterday. Started Right Front today. Got through hem, then PU sts for inset pocket, and knit the lining. 50% complete

How I worked the collar
CO 2 sts
Row 1: KFB, k1 (3 sts)
Row 2-3: knit
Row 4: KFB, k2 (4 sts)
Row 5-6: Knit
From this point on, I worked 3-row rep as follows:
Row 1: K1, rev YO, k to end
Row 2: K to rev YO and k it so that it twists.
Row 3: Knit

The challenge in a 3-row repeat done in garter stitch is being able to recognize where the previous inc was done (which edge) to make sure you’re creating a symmetrically increasing piece of fabric.

Before working an inc row, I hung a locking st marker on a purl bump directly under the needle. This helped me keep track of where I was in a repeat cycle. When I finished a 3-row repeat, I could see I had one ridge under the needle, plus a knit row, between the marker and needle. When I had completed a second repeat (with YO worked at the other edge), I would have 3 ridges between the marker and the needle. I then moved the marker up to a purl bump under the needle. This really helped me maintain the increases correctly and not lose my place.

I worked the increases until I had 36 sts. This brought me up to the shoulder seam. I then worked a few short rows to help ease the collar around the corner of the neck. I worked them as follows:
Short row 1: K9, turn, work to end
Short row 2: K18, turn, work to end
Short row 3: K27, turn, work to end.
I then worked 20 rows (10 ridges), bringing me to the center of the neck, and worked the same set of short rows, leaving live sts on the needle.
Work 2nd collar piece the same.

I’m not sure I need both sets of short rows. After I sew the collar on to the shoulder, I’ll try it on, and see if the amount of collar I have at the back of the neck feels right, or needs adjustment. The collar will be sewn on so that the short rows are away from the seam.

Once I’m sure of the collar length, I will work a finessed 3NBO from the RS of the sweater body (the side of the collar that will be hidden when collar is folded over). The reverse side will be a garter ridge.


Buttonholes complete, v-neck decreases begun, armhole BOs about to begin.


Right Front finished and joined to back with 3NBO.


Started first sleeve. Completed cap shaping. 65%


At the transition row for sleeve cuff. Not sure if I want to start cuff now, or knit a few more rows of the sleeve, first.


First sleeve done.


Started the 2nd sleeve. Past the short row shaping and into the decreases. 85% complete


Chugging along on the second sleeve. 90%


Almost done with the 2nd sleeve (nearly ready for the cuff) 96%


Knitting is complete! Need to seam the sleeves, and set them in the armholes, sew on the collar pieces, face the button bands and sew on the buttons.


Everything is sewn together. Now I need to put buttonholes in the ribbon that faces the buttonbands, sew on the buttons, and weave in the yarn tails. Almost there!


Three tries to get the buttonholes the right size for the buttonhole band. Ribbon facings for button band and buttonhole band sewn in. Tacking down holes in ribbon to edges of knitted holes. Then, on to sewing on the buttons and weaving in the ends. Should just squeak in to the Vintage KAL finish deadline!

FINISHED!!! I love it. :-)

viewed 1209 times | helped 6 people
May 29, 2019
June 30, 2019
About this pattern
7 projects, in 41 queues
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About this yarn
100% Wool
109 yards / 50 grams

6479 projects

stashed 4851 times

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  • Project created: May 29, 2019
  • Updated: June 30, 2019
  • Progress updates: 19 updates