Danish Nights
July 28, 2024
March 13, 2025

Danish Nights

Project info
Annie's sweater by Annie Hansen
Needles & yarn
US 1½ - 2.5 mm
7 stitches and 10 rows = 1 inch
in stockinette
Reywa Fibers Haven
4 skeins = 1600.0 yards (1463.0 meters), 440 grams

Projected stitch count from my spreadsheet: 75,070 sts.

Originally thought I would have to adjust the pattern to increase size, because it’s a one-size pattern, but I’m a bit smaller than I was when I thought that. Only thing I’m concerned about is sleeve length, but I’m pretty sure I have plenty of yarn. I have 4 skeins, but I think I will need only 3, although I’ll likely use every bit of that third skein.

Started with Sleeve 1, which is a nice way to confirm gauge and yarn requirements.


Sleeve 1 complete and second sleeve started. Up to sleeve inc 4. 20%


2nd sleeve finished. First bottom hem done, second started. 36%


Bottom bands finished; body joined in the round. Horizontal motif started. 40%


Finished with horizontal band 45%


Into the main pattern of the body. Third row of first star completed. 50%


Realized the first skein was significantly darker in color than the second one. Both sleeves and the back bottom band were knit with the first skein. Checked the other two skeins I have, and they are the same as the second. I will reknit the bottom back band and replace it. I’ll see how the sleeves look with the body to determine whether or not I will reknit those. Might be a task for FiF 2025.

Getting near the end of the second skein as I prepare to start the second star. Alternating a round of the 2nd with a round of the 3rd in case there is a subtle difference in color between the two.


Halfway through the 2nd star 70%


Finished with the 2nd star. 75%


Finished 3rd star and the 10 rows following on the back. About to start the 4th and final star. 84.6%


Preparing for Finish it February 2025 by ripping out the sleeves to the cuffs. I will re-knit the sleeves above the cuffs using the lighter color. After I steam the recovered dark yarn, I will re-knit a bottom body border to replace in the main part of the sweater. That puts me back at 65% complete on the sweater.


Started re-knitting the first sleeve. There are ~25K sts to re-knit. 7.6K done 35%


One more repeat of the first sleeve remaining 40% done on the re-knitting


Finished the sleeve and onto knitting the replacement front band. 48%

Finished the front band 55% Need to detach the original bands and rejoin the darker ones to the body.


Body detached and zig zag band frogged to release the two bands. New dark band joined to existing, and the zig zag band has been re-knit. Just needs to be grafted back to the body. Second sleeve still needs to be knit 60% done with the reknitting.


Grafting completed! Not perfect. I learned a bit about grafting in pattern, which I will likely forget because I so rarely need to do it. The tricky bit was that I wasn’t grafting like sts to like sts all of the time. Sometimes I had to graft (create) a purl from the live sts coming off the bottom needle, but then create a knit st in the row made from the grafting thread.


started on sleeve #2. Past increase #4 of 17. 70% done with the reknitting.


Second sleeve finished! All the knitting/re-knitting is complete. Just need to block, seam the sleeves to the body, and weave in ends.

viewed 232 times
July 28, 2024
March 13, 2025
About this pattern
2 projects, in 5 queues
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About this yarn
by Reywa Fibers
100% Yak
400 yards / 110 grams

81 projects

stashed 97 times

Rox's star rating
  • Project created: July 29, 2024
  • Updated: March 16, 2025
  • Progress updates: 16 updates