Morning Rituals for a Narwhal
January 3, 2022
February 16, 2022

Morning Rituals for a Narwhal

Project info
Morning Rituals by Andrea Mowry
Needles & yarn
17.5 stitches and 26 rows = 4 inches
in Measured over stockinette stitch in the round knit with the Main Fabric needle, after blocking.
Brooklyn Tweed Shelter
10 skeins = 1400.0 yards (1280.2 meters), 500 grams
Heavenly Yarns in Belfast, Maine
December 2021

I try not “make one just like that one” but fell in Love with Andrea’s sample. The cost of that yarn was, alas, prohibitive. So I bought a skein of Shelter in Truffle (a delectable brown), but decided I just didn’t want a dark sweater because winter in Maine is dark with really short days. So I checked various naturals and grays in Shelter because I loved the feel once blocked and ended up with Narwhal. Searched Ravelry and saw several projects and the cables should be noticeable even with the marled look of the yarn (one strand is natural cream, the other light gray, so it looks like the Narwhal’s twist on it’s horn). Can’t wait to finish Christmas gifts, my Paulie-Ziggurat mash-up, and get this on the needles!

16 Jan. Wish overall body length were on the schematic. Looks like it is just under 24” which will end between high hip and mid hip on me. Think I will add 3+ inches below sleeve separation plus 1/2” above to achieve the tunic length on Andrea’s. She must be tiny!. Ribbing done on 1 size smaller needles and seems snug. Will see after blocking, but same size as body might have been a better choice. Too late now! Sleeves on others’ completed projects look tight so will likely go up a size on those.

Ended up adding 4” below sleeve separation and a generous 1/2” above… will measure precisely later.

Modifications besides length:

Front neck: I really, really dislike stuff pushing against the front of my neck, so as lovely as the boatline neck is, I had to modify it. I placed about 25 stitches from the center on a circular needle, adding stitches on either side as I decreased on the right side of the garment and worked my way up to the shoulders. By keeping the stitches live I was able to start the neckline more easily, picking up the occasional stitches as needed on the alternate (purl) rows and then four stitches at the top. Did the 3-needle bind-off for the shoulders per the pattern.

Neck: used the live stitches from the back (no mods to shape), picked up some stitches on the front and used the live stitches. Ended up with (from right shoulder across back and to the front) k1, p1, k1, 7-stitch cable, 15-stitch center cable pattern, 7 stitch cable, k1, p1, k1, then on to the front pick up and p1, k1, p1, k1, 2-stitch cable twice, center cable, 7 stitch cable twice (just fudged where the first crossover was on the outer 7-stitch repeats letting it run in stockinette) and a final p1, k1, p1, k1.

stand-up portion is 3 1/4”, then used stockinette on the inside. Will post pics after blocked.

February 6:
Sleeves: Because I lengthened the above-the-separation section, I calculated how many stitches and how many rows per inch I’m currently getting. As a result, I picked up 3 stitches over 4 rows, for a total of 78 stitches. This is WAY above pattern instructions for size, which is perfect because I am not fond of super-tight sleeves which this pattern seems to yield based on other Raveler comments. Started decreases every 5th row, but will likely switch to every 4 rows after the first four decreases. Will end up at the pattern’s 42 stitches for the cables. UPDATE: So glad I did this--worked perfectly. My armpits aren’t being strangled yet the cuffs are just right on my small wrists.

February 16: DONE! And I love it. I made the sleeves deliberately long, perhaps 1/2” too long, but that is way better than too short.

Neckline: really glad I modified to have the curve, otherwise the feel of the funnel touching the front of my neck would make me crazy. I should have been a bit more careful when I folded over the inside. Need to pick out the center front and move the inside edge about 1/2” lower because it is folding up a bit. Also really glad I did the inside as stockinette--again it is a how it feels on the front of my neck thing. Weird that it doesn’t bother me on the back!

Overall length: could be 1/2-1” longer if I were ever to wear this with leggings out in public, but I think it is OK--just needs to be a tad longer in the back.

Yarn bloomed nicely after wet blocking. I am wearing it and it is almost too warm inside. Perfect for Maine, for outdoors in the upper 40s or warmer.

LOVE LOVE LOVE the deep, fits my entire hand pockets. My iPhone 11 Max (the bigger one) fits in the pocket!

Will measure overall length, side seam and underarm seam once I’m not wearing it. ; )

Overall length from shoulder near neck to hem: 26” (does not include collar which I knit to about 3 1/2” tall). From hem to sleeve separation is 18”. I also added about 1/2” to the upper torso, which allowed me to pick up 78 stitches for the start of the sleeve.

After wearing it a bit wish I had made it one inch longer--I have a long torso and would love it to be a smidge longer in the back. Still love it!


16 nov 2022

A reply to an inquiry: … I think I measured from the edge of my neck, at shoulder seam, down to where I wanted the neckline/collar to begin. And yes, worked the two sides separately--I had a ball of yarn for each side. Just took a close up of the neck/collar and will add it to the photos.

I wanted to avoid a hassle with cables crossing, so I started the shoulder band of cables about halfway between the cabling on the center cable. The collar begins on the second round after the narrow cables cross. In the fourth photo just added, I’m pinching where the seam is on the inside. I used a plain stockinette on the inside because why cables on the inside / smoother on the neck!

OK, got carried away. Four new close-up photos to help the inquirer and anyone else. Hope they do help!

Hope this helps…you may be well past this point by now--sorry!

viewed 740 times | helped 20 people
January 3, 2022
February 16, 2022
About this pattern
540 projects, in 1328 queues
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About this yarn
by Brooklyn Tweed
100% Targhee-Columbia
140 yards / 50 grams

35105 projects

stashed 21774 times

SarahAnnSmith's star rating
  • Project created: December 8, 2021
  • Finished: February 17, 2022
  • Updated: March 14, 2024
  • Progress updates: 3 updates