Crimson Mojito Morning Rituals
March 5, 2024
April 17, 2024

Crimson Mojito Morning Rituals

Project info
Morning Rituals by Andrea Mowry
Needles & yarn
17.5 stitches and 26 rows = 4 inches
in Measured over stockinette stitch in the round knit with the Main Fabric needle, after blocking.
Mojito Merino
10 skeins = 1910.0 yards (1746.5 meters), 500 grams
Crimson 28

Fell in love with the yarns LYS but they had only 4 balls and it had just been discontinued, so I had to order it online. I had planned to make the pattern as written since I made one version in Brooklyn Tweed shelter 14 months ago, and it has become my most used sweater. However, when I swatched, I discovered that you literally cannot see the cables or even ribbing. So I will simply do a simple 3 x 3 ribbing on the bottom and top and omit all of the cables.

23 March 2024
Joined Andrea’s 2024 KAL early in March and started this. The yarn is VERY textured and soft, but impossible to see cables so doing ribbing instead.

Percy is helping show me how far I’ve progressed on my Morning Rituals. Someone in the KAL posted they are a dachshund, which I love as a description and had never heard before. I think I’m more of a Westie (guess why) or perhaps a corgi, but Andrea’s pattern calls for a 16” side seam. I made MR last year--the gray one-- with a side seam of 19 1/2” to get it to come as low on my body as Andrea’s (in the pattern photos) does to the top of her legs, and although it is my most worn sweater (I’m in Maine), I’d feel better about going in public in leggings if it were closer to 21! And I’m about an inch or so taller than Andrea has said she is…. so yeah….the torso (made with about 10” ease) part is going on forever!

I was worried I was going to run out of yarn because of the extra 5”, but I figured out once I got into the stockinette that 1 ball equals 4.75 inches. I did some rough estimates of yards per inch and how much the sleeves will eat up (about 10” worth I think) and inches remaining. I think I will JUST make it. If I have to, I will frog 3/4 of the pockets and use another yarn for the insides and use the frogged yarn to finish the collar. Because my yarn is SO textured (the strand itself as well as the black-bright burgundy colors), after swatching cables, I decided to omit them--lots of work for nearly zero visibility. Anyway, snowstorm today so I’m taking the day off to sit in my chair, watch the snow (we’ve had so little) and KNIT!

7 April 2024
So much for my math. I’ve ordered two more skeins. Updates to follow!


April 18--DONE! Needed well over half of the additional skein, so have about 70 grams left in stash.

LOVE the feel of the yarn. It is, however, very bouncy compared to the shelter and therefore contracts a lot.

Because I was afraid of running out of yarn, I decreased 12 stitches from high hip to ribs (2 sts. on each side 3 times about 2” apart). I ended up needing more yarn since I had to lengthen the body to 19” below sleeve separation (compared to pattern’s 16”. That extra length used most of a skein. Had I known I was going to have to order more, I would have left it at (and preferred) without the decreases. NOT re-doing it!

LOVE my neckline modification, which avoids the rubbing on front neck ick. It’s a typical curve, about 3” lower in the center front. Collar (as with hem and cuffs) knit in 3x3 ribbing on one size smaller needles to 6” long using a stretchy bind off: k1+k1, then those 2 together, k1, k2tog as before, etc. The top edge stays flat on the top instead of tilting to one side and it stretchier than standard binding.

Didn’t stitch down the collar--love being able to change the collar as weather requires from Bazooka Joe (up over the face) to standard, to the inside tuck that I’m calling Midwinter Snuggle--that will be my go-to. The soft fold on this yarn stays in place and makes the top edge roll so nicely.

Sleeves: I have super narrow wrists, so on sleeve I reduced from 70 stitches to 50, then decreased 14 stitches on last row before ribbing at a rate of k2, k2tog, all around with an extra two decreases squeezed in near the under arm. Cuff ribbing is about 5 1/2” long.

Finished sweater is 469 grams or about 1792 yards (compared to the 1359 in the pattern for the 50” size--remember I added 3” in length tho)

And now, it is spring so I likely won’t wear this until autumn. I’ll be ready. I LOVE the feel and color.

viewed 182 times | helped 1 person
March 5, 2024
April 17, 2024
About this pattern
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  • Project created: March 7, 2024
  • Updated: April 18, 2024
  • Progress updates: 2 updates