•Used German Twisted Cast On throughout
•Wet-blocked all pieces except pockets
•Worked front panels at the same time and then sleeves at the same time
•Locking stitch markers are heaven sent
Size reference: I’m 5’4”(162.5 cm), ~116 lbs, US 30DD bust
My gauge is a bit smaller than the pattern but it’s cool since I wanted it a tad fitted, I may have to add more rows for sleeves.
Front Panels: Since the fronts are exact I’m going to try casting on both and working them at the same time.
Blocked Back Panel Measurements: 22”W X 30” L
Finished the Front Panels; now to block them and start the sleeves
Blocked Front Panels Measurement: 9”W X 30”L
Assembled the back and front panels: stitch markers were very helpful for this part as I placed the markers 31sts in from each end on the back panel top to mark the width and place where the front panels would go.
Sleeves: With my gauge, the back panel was about 2 inches shorter than the measurement in the pattern so I accommodated that by adding more rows in the sleeves (also my arms are super long, so there’s that too
). I did 80 rows total before binding off and blocking.
Measurement: 12” W X ~17”L
Sleeves Cont:Attaching the sleeves, I had to whip stitch through some stitches on the armhole piece a couple of times to match with the sleeve stitches.
Note to self: Make sure to whip stitch them in the same direction or there’ll be two different looks on the right side out and you’ll have to unweave and re-do it

Next time for the length: I will add about 2 or 3 more inches to the arms as these juuuust hit my wrists.. I may also try to work the sleeves from the top down to the cuffs
Body/Collar Ribbing: Picked up 221 sts, made the recommended rows, then used Jenny's Stretchy Bind-Off
Pockets: Sliding into home! These pockets are the last part to complete! As I’m making them I thought that they would be great to make first, to test the gauge. Even though I did make a gauge swatch, next time I’ll start with making these.
Just woven in allllll the ends and it. is. finissshed!
So happy with how this turned out and how detailed all of Stephanie’s patterns are!