August 14, 2018
February 2019


Project info
The Weekender by Andrea Mowry
Needles & yarn
Starcroft Fiber Mill
clementine in Rockland, Maine

Ilove knitting this pattern, and the shoulder shaping and r tubular bind off neck is designed so well (I was worried it’d be floppy but it is not at all).

My body is done and shoulders seamed--but it is so oversized I am just not sure. I wanted it loose but this might be toooo loose.(like-- 16” or more of ease?)
Giving it a rest to consider the ease situation before I knit the sleeves on later this month.

Frogged it. Just too oversized . Love the yarn and the pattern, but not the way I put them together!

please note: the pattern is very well written-- gauge and size issues are all mine!

viewed 27 times
August 14, 2018
February 2019
About this pattern
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  • Project created: August 23, 2018
  • Updated: August 20, 2019