August 1, 2013
September 8, 2013


Project info
Tiong Bahru by Åsa Tricosa
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
mi mami
Needles & yarn
US 4 - 3.5 mm
Greta and the Fibers SAC-750
123 yards in stash
0.85 skeins = 697.0 yards (637.3 meters), 85 grams

This is such a beautiful, elegant well written pattern! I think is the most beautiful thing I had ever knitted. The yarn is exquisite, 100% pure silk kettle dyed by Marga, just love the color. You feel like a million dollar wearing this! Use 85gr of a 100gr skein.

1-08-13: started with some left over sock yarn. Very well explained. Switch to silk. Loving this pattern! 2 repeats of stocking stitch section.
2-08-13: rep 5 + 1 row
3-08-13: 9 rep
4-08-13: 12rep
5-08-13: 13 rep = 231 stc mas o menos 20 gramos
11-08-13: 14 rep = 229 + 16 stc.
12-08-13: 15 rep = 243 +16 stc. 23gr
13-08-13: 16 rep = 257 + 16
14-08-13- finished first section, 285stc lifeline 30gr.
15-08-13: finished 4 garterish rows. cellular stitch done.
18-08-13: finish 6 garterish rows, will start lace tomorrow. 51gr.
20-08-13: row 12 lace chart
22-08-13: row 17 lace chart =8+323 +8 stc
22-08-13: row 20 lace chart
24-08-13: row 24 took me 1 hour = 59grs used

25-08-13: only 1 row, 25 = 696 stc..
26-08-13: row 26
27-08-13: row 27
28-08-13: row 28, 64grs
29-08-13: row 30
30-08-13: row32
5-09-13: row 35
8-09-13: finished! Will block tomorrow :D

viewed 269 times
August 1, 2013
September 8, 2013
About this pattern
487 projects, in 1479 queues
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About this yarn
by Greta and the Fibers
100% Silk
820 yards / 100 grams

183 projects

stashed 141 times

Sig's star rating
  • Originally queued: March 22, 2013
  • Project created: August 1, 2013
  • Finished: September 11, 2013
  • Updated: September 21, 2013
  • Progress updates: 8 updates