Classical Attitude Poncho - Child
February 8, 2022
February 11, 2022

Classical Attitude Poncho - Child

Project info
Classical Attitude Poncho - Child by Tine Sommer Hansen
Neck / TorsoPoncho
age 7/10 years
Hooks & yarn
4.0 mm (G)
4.5 mm
YarnArt Flowers
0.85 skeins = 929.6 yards (850.0 meters), 212 grams

I’d been meaning to make this poncho for a while, and then I discovered some lovely yarn by Yarn Art Flowers, and decided it would look lovely in a child’s poncho.

Began with a 4.5mm hook for opening chain.
then used a 4mm hook throughout.

Working the pattern:
Leaning stitches:
I noticed that the pattern uses every stitch when turning corners (including the ‘hidden’ stitch) and then I looked at projects worked with this pattern and noticed quite a few people saying that their poncho was leaning to one side.

The answer to that is that stitches ‘lean’ and continuous rows of dc (especially if you make slightly high dc’s as I tend to do) will cause the project to lean.

So, rather than trying to work out stitch changes to deal with this, I took the easy way out - All the ‘gap’ rows I did on the wrong side of the poncho.
This worked a treat and didn’t really show at all.

Making the poncho longer:
The pattern is designed to make a shortish poncho, but I wanted to make one normal poncho length for a child (about 3/4 coat length), so I just added 3 or 4 repeats and problem solved.

I love the edging pattern by the way.

the neckline for this pattern is very large. That’s great for Spring, but I still felt it was a little too large (and could imagine a child pulling on it to get it to fit straight).
So I added a row of sc and 2 rows of hdc to the neckline and reduced the number of stitches each round.

I then made a tie (150 chs), threaded it through the ist hdc round, and added a tassel to each end.

And that’s it.
Nice pattern but that leaning does need adjusting.
And I absolutely love the yarn I used!

viewed 69 times
February 8, 2022
February 11, 2022
About this pattern
24 projects, in 34 queues
Silvi3's overall rating
Silvi3's clarity rating
Silvi3's difficulty rating
Silvi3's adjectives for this pattern
  1. Nice, classic pattern
  2. Works well with 4ply yarn
  3. See notes re 'leaning stitches'
About this yarn
by YarnArt
55% Cotton, 45% Acrylic
1094 yards / 250 grams

2408 projects

stashed 1650 times

Silvi3's star rating
Silvi3's adjectives for this yarn
  1. Beautiful yarn with excellent colour changes
  2. Soft and washable
  3. Great to work with
  • Originally queued: September 27, 2021
  • Project created: February 25, 2022
  • Finished: February 25, 2022
  • Updated: March 12, 2022