Siouxsannah >
notebook > projects > Year of DragonSocks for Katherine
Year of DragonSocks for Katherine

July 10. 4 pairs of wool socks for Katherine, complete

July 10. Happy Katherine, with her socks.

July 10. Katherine, the wool sock hoarder.

29 July 2018.
Finished the second sock today, minutes before Katherine and her family left my house for the last time on this visit from Germany. Their flight doesn’t leave till Tuesday morning, but I won’t see them before then. Feeling a little blue.

29 July. Happy feet.
photos above
Year of DragonSocks for Katherine
viewed 8 times
February 5, 2018
July 29, 2018
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
- Project created: July 29, 2018
- Finished: July 29, 2018
- Updated: June 6, 2019