Amy socks
November 11, 2020
November 30, 2020

Amy socks

Project info
Amy socks by Vikki Bird
Feet / LegsSocksMid-calf
Needles & yarn
US 1 - 2.25 mm
West Yorkshire Spinners Signature 4 Ply Solids
1 skein = 437.4 yards (400.0 meters), 100 grams
Wool Zone in Oakham, Rutland

12 November 2020
I cast on this pair of socks in order to take part in Vikki’s Knit-a-Long on Instagram #soywskal2020 which has the aim to make a pair of socks for yourself and wear them on the 30th.
crossed_fingers I ought to be able to finish by then.
The lacy pattern on the instep is nicely challenging without being too difficult.

25 November 2020
I’ve finished one of them. I’d done the toe and two pattern repeats of the other sock when I had an “oh no!” moment.

“I’m knitting two right handed socks!” I exclaimed in dismay as I realised the pattern is reversed for the other sock.
socks socks
“Don’t you mean two right FOOTED socks” says my other half without looking up from his newspaper … face_with_symbols_on_mouth …. nobody likes a smart-arse! rolling_on_the_floor_laughing

26 November 2020
Another “oh no” moment. I knitted all evening yesterday. I picked it up at lunchtime today to do a few rows and realised I have patterned the sole stitches as well as the instep ones. Another frogging coming up! Time pressure is really on now! Need to get a move on.

28 November 2020
Got the instep and heel finished last night. Just the straight cuff and ribbing to do now … I should be able to finish as long as I don’t fall asleep in front of the log burner (which I do frequently at this time of year if it gets too warm) fire
I will restrict weekend wine consumption just to be sure clinking_glasses

29 November 2020
I only knit in the evenings, soMetimes a little at lunchtime. Even at the weekends, there are always jobs to do when you’re renovating your home. I was undercoating windowboards yesterday whilst it was light.

But last night I got loads done on the cuff. Tonight, just 5 more pattern rows, then the ribbing and I’ll be finished in time to wear them on the 30th!

15 December 2020
I did finish these before the 30 November but have only just got round to photographing them.

Lots of life stuff has just got in the way, family illness, replacement boiler, had a sale in my shop and some decorating.

I’m very happy with my latest pair of socks, it’s a lovely pattern.

viewed 2 times
November 11, 2020
November 30, 2020
About this pattern
19 projects, in 13 queues
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About this yarn
by West Yorkshire Spinners
40% Wool, 35% Bluefaced Leicester, 25% Nylon
437 yards / 100 grams

28036 projects

stashed 17295 times

SoozJewels' star rating
  • Project created: November 12, 2020
  • Updated: December 15, 2020
  • Progress updates: 4 updates