Jimmy B e a n s Wool
July 1, 2013
August 20, 2013

Jimmy B e a n s Wool

Project info
Royal Baby Blanket MKAL by Kristen Ashbaugh-Helmreich
BlanketBaby Blanket
Hooks & yarn
4.0 mm (G)
5.0 mm (H)
Lion Brand Fishermen's Wool
256 yards in stash
2.45 skeins = 1139.3 yards (1041.7 meters), 556 grams

I thoroughly enjoyed the whole Jimmy Beans Wool Royal Baby Blanket Mystery CAL/KAL process and can’t wait to see the remaining FOs!

I picked up too many stitches on one square, so the border is ruffling. UGGH! Will deal with it later.

WEEK 7: Seaming pieces together w/ whipstitch.
WEEK 6: Crochet & Knit Squares done. 8/13
WEEK 5: Crochet & Knit Squares done (Chart Made)
WEEK 4: Crochet & Knit Squares done.
WEEK 3: Crochet & Knit Squares done.
WEEK 2: Crochet & Knit Squares done.
WEEK 1: Crochet & Knit Squares done.

Step 1: Block all of your squares. If you have a steam iron, this is totally the way to go. You are bound to have some squares that are slightly larger than the rest. Block these first really lightly on your ironing board or a towel, and then use pins to block the rest of them to the same size. Kristen steamed the larger ones first, then lay the next one on top and pin it over the one on bottom to use as a template. Steam block this one, then add another layer. Kristen layered 4-5 blocks and then take the top ones off (once they’ve cooled), leaving one on bottom as the template, then do a few more until they are all done…

Step 2: Lay all of the squares out on the floor or a bed. I am not going to specify how to order these. I think you should do what looks good to you. Especially since so many of you used different colors or just knit or crocheted your squares, I think you should be the one to design your blanket.

Step 3: (MOD) * Blanket is assembled by joining 4 completed Squares into 3 vertical strips; Lay out Squares in your chosen order.

Step 4: (MOD) Join Squares as follows: With Wrong sides together, using color of choice and working in Back Loops Only of both Squares, whipstitch Squares together. You will have strings on each corner that you can use to match up the corners evenly.

Step 5: Once you have all of your rows crocheted together, steam iron the seams so that everything lays flat. Weave in your ends and if desired, crochet or knit a border around the outside.

Blocking Squares and Joining Squares by Kate Davies

Knit Square Week 6

100 yds of worsted weight yarn
US 7 needles


CO 47 sts.

Knit 6 rows in garter stitch.

Row 7 (set-up row): k5, p5, (k3,p5) 4 times, k5

Begin working the following 4 row pattern:

Row 1: k5, yf, sl 5 knitwise, yb, * k3, yf, sl 5 knitwise, yb; repeat from * to last 5 sts, k5

Row 2: k5, p5, (k3,p5) 4 times, k5

Row 3: k7, insert right needle under loose strand and knit next stitch on left needle pulling stitch under the strand to pull the strand up, * k8, insert right needle under loose strand and knit next stitch on left needle pulling stitch under the strand to pull the strand up; repeat from * to last 7 sts, k7.

Row 4: same as Row 2.

  • Repeat Rows 1-4 until piece measures 9.25”

Knit 6 rows in garter stitch.

BO all sts and block gently to 10” x 10.“

Crochet Square Week 6


Size H/8 crochet hook
Tapestry needle

16 hdc sts and 8 rows in pattern = 4”

-ch (chain): Yarn over hook, pull through loop on hook.
-slip stitch (sl st): Insert hook in next stitch, yarn over hook, pull through both loops on hook.
-hdc (half double crochet): Yarn over hook, insert hook under both loops of next stitch, yarn over hook and draw loop through stitch; yarn over hook again and pull through 3 remaining loops on hook.

-dc (double crochet): Yarn over hook, insert hook under both loops of next stitch, yarn over hook and draw loop through stitch; yarn over hook and pull through two loops on hook; yarn over hook again and pull through 2 remaining loops on hook.

-tr (treble crochet): Yarn over hook twice, insert hook under both loops of next stitch, yarn over hook and draw loop through stitch; yarn over hook and pull through two loops on hook 3 times.


Ch 34.

Row 1: Starting in 2nd ch from hook, hdc to end of row. Turn.

Row 2: Ch 3. Starting in 3rd ch from hook, tr to end of row. Turn.

Row 3: Ch 2. Starting in 2nd ch from hook, dc to end of row. * Ch 1 Turn.

  • personal addition

Repeat rows 1-3 until work measures approximately 9” by 9”.

Border: With right side facing,work one row of double crochet as follows, working corners as described in note below:

Border Row 1: dc in each stitch on vertical ends of work and in space at end of each row on horizontal sides of work.

  • Work corners as follows: dc to corner stitch, ch 1, dc in corner stitch, ch 1, dc in next stitch and following stitches, to next corner stitch.

After working border rows, fasten off yarn and weave in end. If needed, block gently to 10” by 10” dimensions.

Knit Square Week 5 size 6

£The week 5 knit square features a traditional English Mesh Lace pattern in honor of the arrival of the Royal Baby Boy! If you wish to create a dense lace fabric then knit or purl the YOs TBL to close it up just a tad.
-100 yds of Worsted Weight yarn
-US 7 knitting needles
-darning needle
-2 stitch markers

17 sts = 4” in garter stitch


CO 47 sts

Knit every row for 6 rows

On last row, place stitch markers as follows
K5, pm, K to last 5 sts, pm, K5

Set up row (WS):

K5, P to last 5 sts, K5

Begin working English Mesh Lace pattern as follows:

English Mesh Lace

(Worked over a multiple of 6 sts + 1 with a 5 stitch border on each side):

Knit Square close-up

Row 1 RS: K6, * yo, ssk, k1, k2tog, yo, k1; repeat from * to marker, K5.

Even-Numbered Rows 2-8 WS: K5, P to last 5 sts, K5.

Row 3 RS: K6, * yo, k1, SK2P, k1, yo, k1; repeat from * to marker, K5.

Row 5 RS: K6, * k2tog, yo, k1, yo, ssk, k1; repeat from * to marker, K5.

Row 7 RS: K5, k2tog, * (k1, yo) twice, k1, SK2P; repeat from * to 5 sts before marker, (k1, yo) twice, k1, ssk, K5.

Repeat Rows 1–8 for English Mesh Lace pattern 6 more times (a total of 7 times).

** If you prefer to work lace from a chart, here is a link to the one I used from this Knitty Pattern. It should work just fine but please note the additional instructions I provided above:

English Lace Chart


Knit 6 rows

BO all sts.

Block to 10”x10” measurement

Crochet Square Week 5Cast on G, sub rows F.


Week 5 Crochet Square
Size H/8 crochet hook
Tapestry needle

9 tr sts and 6 rows = 4”

-ch (chain): Yarn over hook, pull through loop on hook.
-slip stitch (sl st): Insert hook in next stitch, yarn over hook, pull through both loops on hook.
-dc (double crochet): Yarn over hook, insert hook under both loops of next stitch, yarn over hook and draw loop through stitch; yarn over hook and pull through two loops on hook; yarn over hook again and pull through 2 remaining loops on hook.
-tr (treble crochet): Yarn over hook twice, insert hook under both loops of next stitch, yarn over hook and draw loop through stitch; yarn over hook and pull through two loops on hook 3 times.
-tbl (through back loop): Work in back loop of stitch only.


Row 1 (WS): With size H/8 crochet hook, ch 40. Tr in 4th ch from hook; ch 1, skip 1 ch, tr in next ch; repeat from across. Turn.

Row 2 (RS): Ch 3; tr in 1st ch-1 st from row below; ch 1, skip 1 st, tr in next st; repeat fromacross. (Your treble crochet sts in each row should fall in between the treble crochet st from the last row).

Repeat row 2 until piece measures approximately 8” by 8”. Fasten off yarn and weave in ends.

Border: Rejoin yarn to work with right side facing and work border as follows, working corners as described in note below:

Border Row 1: sc in each stitch all the way around work.

Work corners as follows: work in pattern to corner stitch, ch 1, work pattern stitch in corner stitch, ch 1, work pattern stitch in next stitch and following stitches, to next corner stitch.

Border Row 2: tr tbl in each stitch all the way around work.

Work corners as follows: work in pattern to corner stitch, ch 2, work pattern stitch in corner stitch, ch 2, work pattern stitch in next stitch and following stitches, to next corner stitch.

After working border rows, fasten off yarn and weave in end. If needed, block gently to 10” by 10” dimensions.

Knit Square Week 4 size 5


-Approximately 100 yds of a worsted weight yarn
-US 7- 24 or 32” circular needle.
-Tapestry needle
-1 stitch marker

22 sts and 24 rows = 4” in stitch pattern

On ssk (ws) rows purl YO’s normal & purl prior row ssk’s tbl for a loose knitter this helps take wobble out.
ssk- slip slip knit (slip 1st & 2nd sts knit wise)
sk2p- slip 1 st, knit 2 together, pass the slipped stitch over
make the YO before and after the center stitch tightly or vertical chain will be inconsistant.

M1L: Lift Strand Between Stitches From FRONT to BACK with Left Hand Needle then Knit Through BACK Loop.

M1R: Lift Strand Between Stitches From BACK to FRONT with Left Hand Needle then Knit Through FRONT Loop.

Co 3 sts
Row 1: knit
Row 2: k1, m1l, k1, m1r, k1 (5 sts)
Row 3: knit
Row 4: k2, m1l, k1, m1r, k2 (7 sts)
Row 5: knit
Row 6: k3, yo, pm (to mark cntr stitch), k1, yo, k3 (9 sts)
Row 7: knit (sl m as you come to it
ERRATA 7/29 Addition of Row 8 & 9:
Row 8: k3, (yo, k1) 3 times, yo, k3 (13 sts)
Row 9: Knit

Begin working increasing stitch pattern as follows:

ROW 1: The first time only, K3, yo, K3, yo, K3

Row 1: k3, * yo, k2tog; repeat from * to 1 stitch before marker, yo, k3, yo, ** ssk, yo; repeat from ** to last 3 sts, k3.

Row 2: k3, p to last 3 sts, k3

Row 3: k3, * yo, k2tog; repeat from * to marker, yo, k1, yo, ** ssk, yo; repeat from ** to last 3 sts, k3.

Row 4: same as row 2.

Repeat these 4 rows until there are 61 sts on the needles.

For Row 2 & 4 decrease try:
(RS) Rows 1 & 3 Work as directed ssk’s slip both knitwise
(WS) Rows 2 & 4 ON SSK SIDE ONLY, Purl yo’s normal on ssk side but purl knits tbl to reorient st for next ROW.

Begin working decrease stitch pattern as follows:

Row 1: k2, ssk, * yo, ssk; repeat from * to marker, k1, k2tog, ** yo k2tog; repeat from ** to last 2 sts, k2.

Row 2: k3, p to last 3 sts, k3

Row 3: k2, ssk, * yo, ssk; repeat from * to 1 st before marker, yo, sk2p, ** yo, k2tog; repeat from ** to last 2 sts, k 2.

Row 4: same as row 2

sk2p- slip 1 st, knit 2 together, pass the slipped stitch over
make the YO before and after the center stitch tightly or vertical chain will be inconsistant.
* repeat these 4 rows until there are 7 sts left on the needles and you have just finished an even row.


Row 1: k2, sk2p, k2 (5 sts)
Row 2: knit
Row 3: k1, sk2p, k1 (3 sts)
Row 4: BO all remaining 3 sts and weave in ends.

Block to 10”x10”

Crochet Square Week 4 pull out border

-100 yds of Worsted weight yarn
-Size H/8 crochet hook
-Tapestry needle

17 dcs over 4”; 10 rows = 3”

New Stitches Used:

dc (double crochet): Yarn over hook, insert hook under both loops of next stitch, yarn over hook and draw loop through stitch; yarn over hook and pull through two loops on hook; yarn over hook again and pull through 2 remaining loops on hook.

tbl: through the back loop – instead of making the stitch under both loops of the row you’re working on, make it through the loop toward the back of the work only (the loop farthest from you as you are currently holding the work)


Row 1: With H/8 hook, ch 35. Starting in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each ch across (34 sc). Turn work.

Row 2: Ch 2; starting in 3rd ch from hook, dc in each ch across. Turn work.

Row 3: Ch 1; starting in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each ch across. Turn work.

Repeat rows 2 and 3 until work measures approximately 8” by 8”. Fasten off yarn and weave in ends.

Border: Rejoin yarn to work with right side facing and work two rows of double crochet as follows, working corners as described in note below:

Border Row 1: dc in each stitch on vertical ends of work and in space at end of each row on horizontal sides of work.

Border Row 2: dc in each stitch all the way around work.

Work corners as follows: dc to corner stitch, ch 1, dc in corner stitch, ch 1, dc in next stitch and following stitches, to next corner stitch.

After working border rows, fasten off yarn and weave in end. If needed, block gently to 10” by 10” dimensions.

Knit Square Week 3 size 4

100 yds of worsted weight yarn
US 7- circular needles (24” is ideal)
tapestry needle

  • sk2p- slip 1, knit 2 together, pass the slipped stitch over.

-CO 97 sts.

  • Raveler Note Note on alt sk2p: I’ve worked on some other projects that use mitered squares, and I’ve decided to do the double decrease at the center in a slightly different fashion that will give me a stronger diagonal line. Slip two together knitwise, K1, pass the two slipped stitches over.

Border edge:
Row 1: Knit
Row 2: k47 sts, sk2p, knit to end of row.
Row 3: Knit
Row 4: k46 sts, sk2p, knit to end of row.
Row 5: Knit
Row 6: k45 sts, sk2p, knit to end of row.

Now you will work the following rows that will repeat for the duration of the square. You can mark the center stitch with a locking stitch marker if you’d like to keep your place but it’s fairly easy to see as you knit.

Rows 1 & 3 (WS): k4, purl to last 4 sts, k4.
Rows 2 & 4 (RS): k to 1 st before center st, sk2p, k to end of row.
Row 5 (WS): knit
Row 6: k to 1 st before center st, sk2p, k to end of row.

Repeat rows 1-6 of pattern until you have 9 sts left…

Row 1 (and every odd row): Knit
Row 2: k3, sk2p, k3
Row 4: k2, sk2p, k2
Row 6: k1, sk2p, k1
Row 8: sk2p

Cut yarn and pull end through the last loop. Weave in ends and block to 10” x 10.“

Block way too big 10” on c/o side and 12” on the other.

-You can go down a needle size for whichever stitch you are looser on, knitting or purling this will help even things out.

-Or, you can do some extra decreases on your purl side. You would probably only need a few extra decreases sprinkled throughout to get a more even result. Either way, one of these methods should help a bit.

I would stick with the original stitch count unless your 12” edges are on your cast on edge. If not, the problem is in the row gauge, not the stitch gauge. Figuring out Knit vs Purl gauge will help troubleshoot considerably.

However, I understand if you are frustrated. It may be easier to rip back only about 2/3 rds of the way and add in a few (4-5) extra double decreases throughout the middle section on the purl side to account for any discrepancy in the row gauge.

Crochet Square Week 3
100 yards of Worsted weight yarn
Size H/8 crochet hook
Tapestry needle

5 3-dc clusters and 12 rows over 4”

With H/8 hook, ch 34.

Row 1: Sc in 2nd ch from hook, °ch 3, sk 3 chains, sc in next ch; rep from ° to end of row and turn.

Row 2: Ch 3 (counts as first dc), 2 dc in first ch-3 space; °3 dc in each ch-3 space across; dc in last sc of row and turn.

Row 3: Ch 1, sc in 1st dc, ch 3, sk 3 dc stitches; °sc between next 2 clusters of dc stitches (you will actually be making the stitch in the space between the dc clusters on the row below), ch 3, sk 3 dc stitches; rep from ° to end of row; sc in top of turning-chain stitch, turn.

Repeat rows 2 and 3 until piece measures approximately 8” by 8”.

Border: With right side facing, work two rows of double crochet as follows, working corners as described in note below:

Border Row 1: dc in each stitch on vertical ends of work and in space at end of each row on horizontal sides of work.

Border Row 2: dc in each stitch all the way around work.

°Work corners as follows: dc to corner stitch, ch 1, dc in corner stitch, ch 1, dc in next stitch and following stitches, to next corner stitch.

After working border rows, fasten off yarn and weave in ends. Block gently to 10” by 10” dimensions.

Crochet Square Week 1

· 100 yards of Worsted weight yarn
· Size H/8 crochet hook
· Tapestry needle
16 hdcs over 4”; 6 rows over 4.5”

With H/8 hook:
ch 35, °Starting in 2nd ch from hook, hdc in each ch across
(34 hdc).
Ch 1 and turn work.

Repeat from ° until work measures approximately 8” by 8”.

Fasten off yarn and weave in ends.

Border: Rejoin yarn to work with right side facing and work two rows of double crochet as follows, working corners as described in note below:

Border Row 1: dc in each stitch (34) on vertical ends of work plus (1) space at end of each row on horizontal sides of work.

°Work corners as follows: dc to corner stitch, ch 1, dc in corner stitch, ch 1, dc in next stitch and following stitches, to next corner stitch.

After working border rows, fasten off yarn and weave in end. If needed, block gently to 10” by 10” dimension.

Crochet Square Week 2

Four rounds of Granny Square motif = 4”

-ch (chain): Yarn over hook, pull through loop on hook.
-slip stitch (sl st): Insert hook in next stitch, yarn over hook, pull through both loops on hook.
-dc (double crochet): Yarn over hook, insert hook under both loops of next stitch, yarn over hook and draw loop through stitch; yarn over hook and pull through two loops on hook; yarn over hook again and pull through 2 remaining loops on hook.
-tr (treble crochet): Yarn over hook twice, insert hook under both loops of next stitch, yarn over hook and draw loop through stitch; yarn over hook and pull through two loops on hook 3 times.

With H/8 crochet hook, make slip knot leaving 4” tail. Ch 5 and join with sl st to form a ring.

Round 1: Ch 3, 2 dc in ring, (ch 2, 3 dc in ring) 3 times, ch 2 and join with sl st to top (3rd chain) of beginning ch-3. You should have four groups of 3-dc (first ch-3 counts as a dc in first group) with four ch-2 spaces between them.

Round 2: Sl st in next 3 sts to get to corner space; ch 3, 2 dc, ch 2, 3 dc in first corner space; * ch 1, (3 dc, ch 2, 3 dc) in next corner space; repeat from * 2 times, ch 1. Join with sl st to top (3rd chain) of beginning ch-3. You should have four four corners of 3-dc, ch-2, 3-dc (again, first ch-3 counts as a dc in first group), with four ch-1 spaces between them.

Round 3: Sl st in next 3 sts to get to first corner space; ch 3, 2 dc, ch 2, 3 dc in first corner space; ch 1, 3 dc in next ch-1 space, ch 1. * (3 dc, ch 2, 3 dc, ch 1) in next corner space, (3 dc, ch 1) in next ch-1 space. Repeat from * 2 more times. Join with sl st to top (3rd chain) of beginning ch-3. You should have four four corners of 3-dc, ch-2, 3-dc (again, first ch-3 counts as a dc in first group), with four ch-1, 3-dc, ch-1 spaces between them.

Following rounds: Continue as above, working four 3-dc, ch-2, 3-dc, ch-1 corners on each round and working 3-dc, ch-1 in every ch-1 space between the corners, until your work measures 8” square. This should be 8 rounds. Sl st in next 3 stitches to corner and fasten off. Weave in ends.

Border: Rejoin yarn to work with right side facing and work border as follows, working corners as described in note below:
Border Row 1: dc in each stitch all the way around work.
slip st with top of 1st dc to end round, chain 3;
Border Row 2: tr in each stitch all the way around work.

Work corners as follows: work in pattern to corner stitch, ch 1, work pattern stitch in corner stitch, ch 1, work pattern stitch in next stitch and following stitches, to next corner stitch.

After working border rows, fasten off yarn and weave in end. If needed, block gently to 10” by 10” dimensions.

Knit Square Week 1

· 100 yards of Worsted weight yarn
· US 7 needles (I uses size 6)
· Tapestry Needle
19 sts and 32 rows = 4” in pattern

-CO 46 sts
- K 6 rows in garter stitch
-Work the following 4-row moss stitch pattern until piece measures 9”:

-Row 1 (RS): k4, »k1, p1; repeat from » to last 4 sts, k4.
-Row 2 (WS): k4, p to last 4 sts, k4.
-Row 3 (RS): k4, »p1, k1; repeat from » to last 4 sts, k4.
-Row 4 (WS): same as row 2.

-K 6 rows in garter stitch
-BO all sts and weave in ends.

-Block lightly to achieve a 10” x 10” squares

Knit Square Week 2

-Roughly 100 yds of worsted weight yarn
-US 7 DPNs (set of 5)
-US 7- 16” circular needle
-US 8-H Crochet Hook (for cast on)
-4 stitch markers, 1 that is a different color than the rest

17 sts = 4” in stockinette stitch.

CO- cast on (using the method linked to below)


CO 8 sts using the Emily Ocker's Cast on

Knit 8 sts off crochet hook then divided sts evenly over 4 needles using the 5th to knit with.

You will be knitting in the round using 5 needles to start and switching to the circular needle when the piece is large enough.

Rnd 1: yo, k1; repeat from to end of round. (16 sts)
Rnd 2: knit
Rnd 3: k1, yo, pm (the odd colored one first), k1, yo, k2; repeat from to end of round. (24 sts)
Rnd 4: knit

Mitered corners close up.
From here on out, the odd colored marker is the closest to the beginning of the round. When you finish knitting the needle just before it, you’ll know that you are at the start of the round again. You’ll notice that there are 4 points being created by the yarn overs in this pattern. These are the 4 corners of your square. You will continue to knit these yarn overs on either side of the stitch that you’ve marked with your stitch markers.

Follow the 2 round repeat below until piece measures 4.25” from the center start to outer edge between mitered corners:

Rnd 1: k to marker, yo, sl marker, k1, yo; repeat to to last yo, knit to end of round.
Rnd 2: knit

Once piece measures 4.25” from center to outer edge ending on a Rnd 1 (not on the corner, but in the middle between the corners) you will change to the following pattern:

please note, because you are skipping the last knit round (Rnd 2), Rnd 2 is now going to shift to become Rnd 1 for this part of the pattern.

Rnd 1: purl
Rnd 2: “k to marker, m1l, k, m1r; repeat from “ to last m1r; knit to end of round.

M1L: Lift Strand Between Stitches From FRONT to BACK with Left Hand Needle then Knit Through BACK Loop.

M1R: Lift Strand Between Stitches From BACK to FRONT with Left Hand Needle then Knit Through FRONT Loop.

When entire piece measured 5” from center bind off all stitches (on a Rnd 2).

Block to ensure square measured 10” x10”.

Royal Baby Blog

2/28/14 Red Ribbon Winner Florida Strawberry Festival for Home Decorl!!!

viewed 119 times
July 1, 2013
August 20, 2013
About this pattern
41 projects, in 45 queues
StephanieBasse's overall rating
StephanieBasse's clarity rating
StephanieBasse's difficulty rating
About this yarn
by Lion Brand
100% Wool
465 yards / 227 grams

44362 projects

stashed 16692 times

StephanieBasse's star rating
  • Project created: July 1, 2013
  • Finished: August 20, 2013
  • Updated: February 16, 2020
  • Progress updates: 10 updates