I made pattern modifications below as a way to teach five methods of short row shaping. I hope you find a favorite short row method from this project.
K - Knit
EOR - End of row
M - Marker
St/sts - stitch/stitches
Tog - together
W&T - Wrap and turn
YO - Yarnover
Cast on/setup the same as written in original pattern using Color 1.
Wedge 1 - Wrap & Turn method
Row 1: K6, slip next st, W&T
Row 2 and all even rows: K
Row 3: K5, slip next st, W&T
Row 5: K4, slip next st, W&T
Row 7: K3, slip next stitch, W&T
Row 9: K3 sts, K next four sts along with their wraps, K1
Row 10: Change to color 2 and K
Do not death grip your yarn
Add marker to note right or wrong side of fabric
Wedge 2 - Yarnover method
Row 1: K6, turn
Row 2 and all even rows: YO as if to K, K to EOR
Row 3: K5, turn
Row 5: K4, turn
Row 7: K3, turn
Row 9: K to first YO (3 sts), K next four YO with a st, K1
Row 10: Change to color 1 and K
Tips: careful when counting, YO do not count as a “stitch”
Wedge 3 - German method
Row 1: K7, turn
Row 2 and all even rows: Slip and pull next st back to make two legs, K to EOR
Row 3: K6, turn
Row 5: K5, turn
Row 7: K4, turn
Row 9: K3 sts, K next four pairs of legs as one st, K1
Row 10: Change to color 2 and K
Wedge 4 - Japanese method
Row 1: K7, turn
Row 2 and all even rows: Slip next st, place M on working yarn, move yarn to back but keep marker in front, K to EOR
Row 3: K6, turn
Row 5: K5, turn
Row 7: K4, turn
Row 9: K3 sts, K next four sts along with yarn on marker as one st, remove M, K1
Row 10: Change to color 1 and K
If YO method is confusing and you can’t read where your YO are, this is a good substitute.
Wedge 5 - Twin Stitch method
Row 1: K6 sts, insert right needle tip into the st below the next st (st 7)) and knit, place twin on the left needle without twisting, turn
Row 2 and all even rows: K
Row 3: K5 sts, insert right needle tip into the st below the next stitch (stitch 6)) and knit, place twin on the left needle without twisting, turn
Row 5: K4 sts, insert right needle tip into the st below the next st (st 5)) and knit, place twin on the left needle without twisting, turn
Row 7: K3 sts, insert right needle tip into the st below the next st (st 4)) and knit, place twin on the left needle without twisting, turn
Row 9: K3 sts, K twin sts tog, K1
Row 10: Change to color 2 and K
You now have a half circle with five isosceles triangles. Repeat all five methods again or use your favorite method until you have a circle. Bind off using your favorite method.
Helpful reading on the subject:
link text
link text