Modifications/pattern explanation for a “toothless” edging:
- The “teeth” are knitted on from the start (if you decide to knit them), i.e. the top edging starts at the beginning of the shawl and is not added afterwards.
- So if you don’t want to include the teeth for a smooth top you will need to cancel all the instructions before or after the markers that separate the shawl body from the edge. That means, you have to omit all instructions before the first “slm, yo” and after the last “yo, slm” - and cancel the “BO’s” too.
Replace all those instructions before and after the “slm,yo” (“yo,slm”) with:
For RS rows: k1, k1tbl, p1, k1tbl, p1 then YO and continue on with pattern to last YO, p1, k1tbl, p1, k1tbl, k1.
For WS rows: k1, p1tbl, k1, p1tbl, k1 then YO and continue on with pattern to last YO, k1, p1tbl, k1, p1tbl, k1.
August 2014
Waiting for yarn to arrive from the US - ordered “Stephen Loves Tosh” colorway in the US because I can’t get it here in Germany. Yes, I’m crazy. o.O
Trying to figure out pattern meanwhile, miss a chart. Will make a “testknit” before really starting. Result: 5mm (US 8) needle too large, fabric gets too loose.
Rewriting pattern to fit the toothless edging. A lot of work, phew.
September 2014
My yarn arrived, yay! But I had to fetch it from the customs office (ugh!) as it was considered as dangerous items stemming from foreign sheep! ;) Had to pay additional taxes too. How I hate that!
November 22, 2015
Started knitting again, long pause of one year. :)
December 22, 2015
Picot bind off
December 27, 2015
Still searching for a tutorial showing how to do a picot bind off with cable cast on in continental style… :/ … this one?
December 29, 2015
Cable Cast on:
“The basic instructions for this bind-off are as follows: cast on two stitches, bind off (cast off) four stitches, place that last stitch back on the left needle. Repeat until you are out of stitches to bind off.
To begin, cast on two stitches using the cable cast-on. The cable cast-on involves sticking your right needle between the first and second stitches on the left needle, without actually inserting the needle into a stitch. Wrap the yarn around the needle as if to knit, pull up the loop through the front, and throw it onto the left hand needle in front of the first stitch. Do this a second time, inserting the needle tip between the just-made stitch and the next stitch on the needle. Two stitches increased.” (
According to pattern: CO 3sts (k2tog tbl 6 times) for one picot
December 31, 2015
FINISHED! At 11:43pm, just before midnight! Lol! :D
Turned out beautifully light and airy after blocking, very happy with it. Will add amount of yarn I used up etc.