Feather & Fan Mitts
October 7, 2010
October 27, 2010

Feather & Fan Mitts

Project info
Feather and Fan Fingerless Gloves by Barb Kervin
HandsFingerless Gloves/Mitts
women's med
Needles & yarn
US 1 - 2.25 mm
Shibui Knits Staccato
1 skein = 191.0 yards (174.7 meters), 50 grams
The Tinsmith’s Wife in Comfort, Texas
October 6, 2010

There is errata for this pattern found here (scroll all the way to bottom)

And even that errata is missing something! But I worked it out ok. On the right thumb gusset: I patterned to the center panel and then knitted the center panel. THEN I continued with what was written. For the left thumb gusset: the word marker is missing after the word place.

viewed 77 times | helped 1 person
October 7, 2010
October 27, 2010
About this pattern
11 projects, in 14 queues
SusanB-knits' overall rating
SusanB-knits' clarity rating
SusanB-knits' difficulty rating
About this yarn
by Shibui Knits
70% Merino, 30% Silk
191 yards / 50 grams

7923 projects

stashed 8171 times

SusanB-knits' star rating
SusanB-knits' adjectives for this yarn
  1. tight twist
  2. good stitch definition
  • Project created: November 7, 2010
  • Finished: November 7, 2010
  • Updated: November 9, 2010