Planning a gift for a friend who loves blue (Is it a Scorpio thing, to like blue?) and has a birthday (important one ending in zero) coming up. I hope I can do this right, since it’s been a while since my last double weave project and I don’t want to make a mess of this.
I took EllenTurner’s advice on substituting cotton for the original wool because of climate and availability. Also, it gives me an excuse to buy the local weaving yarn finally. Setting this at 24 epi rather than the 18 epi of the pattern. In order to make the ~16.5” of the width in the reed, I added two pattern repeats. I hope I got my numbers right. For the first time I warped extra on purpose in case any of my warp breaks while beaming.
My Fitbit finally seems to recognise that I move my body when winding the warp! Although I wonder if it makes a difference where I wear it.
So 5.5 yards (about 198”) of warp into 800 ends (16 on either end for the offset single layers and 768 for the six pattern repeats). I’m not 100% sure I understood how to repeat the pattern correctly. But I don’t think it would have worked by increasing the 8x4s individually. (That will make sense if you see the project.)
23.04.16. Life got in the way. When I got back to the loom I wasn’t feeling the love, but I finally managed to finish the first shawl and get it to the friend a few months late. I still had the second half of the warp to go. I don’t know why I didn’t just warp for one.
To liven things up I decided to leave out the plain weave bits and weave only the pattern. Even so it took me ages to finish. Finally David is naked, though.