Fruit Garden CAL
September 20, 2020
January 1, 2024

Fruit Garden CAL

Project info
Fruit Garden CAL by Jane Crowfoot
75cm square
Hooks & yarn
2.5 mm
2.75 mm (C)
3,638 yards
Wild Haliburton Elephant Yarns
1139 yards in stash
0.28 skeins = 85.7 yards (78.4 meters), 14 grams
K-W Knitters' Fair
September 9, 2023
Blue Moon Fiber Arts Socks that Rock Lightweight
5 yards in stash
0.14 skeins = 80.4 yards (73.5 meters), 21 grams
Blue Moon Fiber Arts Socks that Rock Lightweight
180 yards in stash
0.5 skeins = 180.0 yards (164.6 meters), 64 grams
blue moon fibre arts
October 2009
Dizzy Blonde Studios Superwash Sock
403 yards in stash
0.28 skeins = 156.8 yards (143.4 meters), 30 grams
Dizzy Blonde Yarn by LA
Dizzy Blonde Studios Superwash Sock
none left in stash
0.82 skeins = 459.2 yards (419.9 meters), 94 grams
Dizzy Blonde Yarn by LA
July 9, 2010
Koigu Painter's Palette Premium Merino (KPPPM)
23 yards in stash
0.84 skeins = 147.0 yards (134.4 meters), 42 grams
August 13, 2016
Koigu Painter's Palette Premium Merino (KPPPM)
88 yards in stash
0.5 skeins = 87.5 yards (80.0 meters), 25 grams
Shall We Knit? in Kingsville, Ontario
June 2019
Koigu Painter's Palette Premium Merino (KPPPM)
in stash
0.1 skeins = 17.5 yards (16.0 meters), 5 grams
Shall We Knit? in Kingsville, Ontario
Koigu Premium Merino (KPM)
137 yards in stash
0.22 skeins = 38.5 yards (35.2 meters), 11 grams
August 13, 2016
Koigu Sparkle
44 yards in stash
0.7 skeins = 114.8 yards (105.0 meters), 35 grams
August 13, 2016
Lofty Fibres LoftySocks BFL
none left in stash
1 skein = 380.0 yards (347.5 meters), 100 grams
Lofty Fibres
February 2013
Lofty Fibres LoftySocks BFL
258 yards in stash
0.32 skeins = 121.6 yards (111.2 meters), 32 grams
Lofty Fibres
February 2013
Lofty Fibres LoftySocks BFL
none left in stash
1 skein = 380.0 yards (347.5 meters), 100 grams
Lofty Fibres
February 2013
Lofty Fibres LoftySocks BFL
none left in stash
0.95 skeins = 361.0 yards (330.1 meters), 95 grams
Lofty Fibres
February 2013
Sweet Sheep Sweet Socks Tight Twist
131 yards in stash
0.05 skeins = 18.8 yards (17.1 meters), 5 grams
The Sweet Sheep
November 13, 2009
SweetGeorgia Yarns Tough Love Sock
none left in stash
0.01 skeins = 425.4 yards (389.0 meters), 1 grams
Yarn Indulgences Indulgent Style
44 yards in stash
0.34 skeins = 136.0 yards (124.4 meters), 34 grams
Yarn Indulgences
July 21, 2014
Yarn Indulgences Indulgent Style
44 yards in stash
0.34 skeins = 136.0 yards (124.4 meters), 34 grams
Yarn Indulgences
July 21, 2014
Yarn Indulgences Luxe Sock
none left in stash
0.78 skeins = 312.0 yards (285.3 meters), 88 grams
Yarn Indulgences
March 20, 2019


I think I’m going to use fingering weight yarn and make a tiny wee something instead.


Finished the gigantic swatch! It’s so big. So big. OMG big. About 30cm across, hehe.

It’s a pillow. 100g of yarn. :D


Added a photo of the giant learning swatch. I discovered a few things. One, hdc is an actual stitch and being used in this. Two, I have a really hard time reading crochet written out, but not much different from reading knitting written out.

I’ve learned how to count crochet stitches, how to do some tricky ring stuff (neat), and that I probably need to loosen up my tension by a lot. Next step is to try with other yarn, and find a consistent base colour that I’d like to use.


Square with fingering yarn, 9.5cm across (instead of 15cm as in pattern). So this will be about 75% of the original sizing, not bad!

This is 6.3g, so much smaller, ha, than the 100g in super-bulky. :D


Started the third little square tonight. I can see a lot more crochet in my future. :)


Third done, fourth on the go. Like chips. ;)


Finished five! Realized I skipped the last row on the first four. :D


Okay, all five have round 13, lol. On to number six.


Six! This one was much easier than the other five. Mostly because I didn’t have to undo it at all. :)


Seven! Whoo! Definitely mastering this, which is hilarious, but there is only one left. Then, of course, the rest of the blanket.

Doing some calculations, 7/8 of the first block is about 10%. The finished blanket will be about 450g of yarn, give or take, but I’m going to run out of the tanish background very soon.

In generic area units, 10,000 total:

1: 1152 = 11.52%
2: 576 = 5.76%
2A: 2704 = 27.04%
3: 720 = 7.2%
4: 576 = 5.76%
5: 576 = 5.76%
5A: edging, unknown, combined with 8.
6: 676 = 6.76%
7: 676 = 6.76%
8: 2344 (incl 5A) = 23.44%


Got started on #8. Should be onto the second block by Thursday.


Got cocky but back on track after a bad Row 8. :D


#8 completed for block #1. And I found some more similar value colour on the same base yarn, so I have the parchment and dusk sorted. Dug around for others, I think I’m good.

Now to get going on block #2 and maybe #2A.


Guess who can’t count to eight and had to back up? :D On we go.


So many mistakes on these blocks, but I’m going to push through. It can be one of those games where you find the differences.


Two done. NEXT! This one is maybe less fraught with errors, lol.


Almost three done tonight, so close. Wonderful evening with the CAL gals. So glad we started this CAL.


All four of block #2 completed! Whoo!

I think I’ll try the little bits of block #2A.


Getting started on the medallions from Block #2A. I have completed three of them and am learning with each one how to better do the ss & fasten, which has been giving me a wee headache for 12 blocks and 3 medallions now. :D


Five of eight little medallions completed. Getting the hang of them. I think. :)


Today was really productive, completed three of the medallions so that’s a wrap on Block #2 (and the start of Block #2A)!

On to block three!

Yay for social chats and lunch meetings where I’m only there for my knowledge, not my work, ha.


Block #3 is both easier and harder. A lot of counting and I got off to the wrong spot for the edge, but I’m sorting it out. Harder to read. My fortune (har) for a chart.


Annnnnd starting over because I somehow ended up with a loose end and it fell apart from the middle. Since I messed up the starting place on the final colour. No problem.


I am so grateful for the CAL and the people in it.

Also for learning crochet, because this is fun.


Block #3, 2 done
Block #2A with block #3 stuff, 2 done.

Really enjoying the Acanthus parts so far. Neat.


Took a month off to make Christmas gifts, and now I’m back to this project. Whee! Where the heck was I? :D


Third block #3 completed! Will work on the #2A tmrw I think, do a few of them.


Happy new year! Hit up the #2A ones for a bit, getting them moving (working on round 3&4 for them al).


For Step 3, all the steps are done for #2A.

Working on the next two #3s and then on we go to #4! !!!


Four of five #3s done!


Finished the 5th of Block 3. Ooof. On to Block 4!


got to round 6 completed on the first block #4, this is an interesting one


Finished the first block #4. I’m not really jazzed about endless careful sc and it seems like my tension is tighter with it. Bleh. Pretty block, though.

I may just avoid starting with the light fingering green as it’s a bit too thin to start the block. Fine for the leaves, though. Luckily, as this is a stash busting blanket, I have oodles of other options, ha ha.


Slow time finishing the second block of #4. Been a busy week!


Got a lot of traction on the third of block #4 last night, which was good. I am enjoying mixing up the colours.


Finished three, got started on four. Then all the little #2As, hehe.


Four is to the point of needing leaves and the background, whee!


Finished #4. Finally. Phewf.

Now to do the little #2As.


Super enjoying the little #2A blocks, they are involved in the #4 instructions…


Section 4 instructions for #2A round 10 is a lot. Highlighting and complaining helped!


sliced through my left index finger today, so tensioning is a challenge. Along with counting (and typing) which were already challenges :P


Still crocheting as the finger heals, ever onward!

It’s actually much better, the stitches are flat, I’ll take them out tomorrow or Sunday, I think.

I decided to break down the work on the #2A pieces by yarn. So all the one step across all of them, then the next step for all of them. It’s going well!


Two completed (for this round), six have the stems round done (round 9), two left to add the stems round to. Then six round 10s, and round 11s for them all. This is a big effort for these blocks this round!


  • One completed Round 11
  • Four completed Round 10
  • Three completed Round 9

Little by little!


Almost finished all the Round 10s. Taking forever!

  • 1 round 11
  • 6 round 10
  • 1 round 9

Getting there.


Okay! A little faster now.

  • 3 round 11
  • 5 round 10

almost there!


  • 4 round 11
  • 4 round 10

Not too bad, but I’m eager to get to the fifth block!


Finished, finally, all of stage 4. Phewf. Started block 5. Looks like no work on #2A for this section, but seaming things together and doing the first interesting border.


well, this is a hard one, #5, I’ve done something terribly wrong and am starting over.


Starting over is going better. So far. :)


Honest to pete. Apparently, counting to eight is too hard, lol. sigh Starting Round 7 over again after first trying Rount 9 without Round 8, and then doing Round 8 and discovering, nope, that I only had 7 little leaves on Round 7. Bother!


Two squares for #5 done! I’m hopeful squares 3 and 4 will go smoother.


Most of the way through the third iteration of Block #5 and getting it mostly right, ha.


Three of #5 completed, one more and I start seaming and seeing if I’m going to finish this blanket at all! HA!


FINALLY finished the last of the #5 blocks, now to the seaming! Eek!


Seaming with sc is an interesting thing. I’m not sure it’s better or worse than mattress stitch, but it is different and just as long.


Seaming is hard. Almost finished two rows. Decided to seam four rows, then four columns, ignoring the instructions. I don’t know why.


all the rows seamed, now to the columns!


Getting the hang of this. Two columns left!


45cm square (unblocked) for the centre, it looks like. So this will likely be about 65cm square when it’s finished if I don’t add any extra borders to the pattern.

I don’t know what this is going to be, lol, but definitely not a blanket-sized project. :) Maybe a wall-hanging? Giant pillow? Baby blanket? Who’s having a baby? :D


All the seaming is done! Now a lot of counting around the edge to get the edging started. So much counting…


three sides of round 1 done, but the yarn I’m using for night is bleeding. :/


Rounds 1 and 2 of the first border done. Excited about rounds 3&4 with two colours!


Almost finished round 3! Read the pattern and it seems to think this is hard. It’s actually quite fun.


Two sides of round four done, and it’s going really smoothly. Mostly tidy on the back, sometimes I get things twisted and miss catching the other yarn, but oh well. Let someone count those for fun, not me. :D


Finished round five! Two more long sc rows to go. Round five looks like it gets absorbed mostly, it’ll be quite thin.


Round six COMPLETED, huzzah! Round 7 and then we’re done with part 5!


Finished round 7! What’s next?


Marking it as 65% for finishing up to 5A and for what I’ve done with 2A so far, as that’s a lot of seaming and assembly and such. Hard to estimate, but assuming that the pattern designer also is working on each of the 8 sections being roughly the same amount of work, that’s 62.5% completed at this point, so let’s just call that close enough.


Started section 6, with block six, one of the four final corner blocks. Used the wrong colour (parchment instead of pumice) but it still looks good. I’ll just have one wrong. On we go!


Finished the second of four Block 6 squares, very pleasant to crochet. I’m excited to get to the #2A sections of this part.


Finished round 5 of the third #6 block. Onward!


Up to round 5 for the fourth #6 block, too. Then I’ll finish these round by round.


Okay, all the #6 blocks are DONE, now the #2A blocks for part 6.


All the ends woven in, tidy, tidy. Who am I? ;)


Got started on the #2A and it’s really interesting but so many stems… We’ll see if I like them by the end of it. :D


When you don’t mark a stitch, you don’t know where the marked stitches are. Additionally, ss is not sc. But! Now I know, and on we go.


Finished one of the #2A short row sections in section 6 last night. This is why I started this whole blanket in the first place. Fiddly little stems and all.


I started playing Valheim and it has massively cut into my crocheting time, but also improved my mood in general. Nothing like blowing off some steam by murdering trolls and mining silver. :)

I have finished all 8 of #2A Short Row 2 (Thyme). Phewf!

Now the Short Row 3 which completes #2A for this section (#6). See you in August! :D


Oh, right! I was making a fascinating project! Picked it up today and got back on the crochet horse. :D

Still love it, one piece of Part 6, Short Row 2 left, then Short Row 3 for most of them. When finished, two parts left, right? Let’s go!

Also, I was wrong, wasn’t finished #2A Short Row 2. Hmph, past me.


NOW I have finished the Short Row 2 for all 8 blocks.


Well…I misplaced part of the project, lol. But I’ll find it and get back to finishing this so I can move on. Turns out getting a new job puts a little kibosh on crafting. :P

minutes later

Oh yeah, found it. :D


Working through Short Row 3 of Part 6 and it really seems like it will take forever. It’s just so fiddly. I have 6/8 done now, though, so almost there. Then I can maybe find the rest of my pattern notes, ha.


Finally finished Step 6! Printed off Steps 7 & 8 (the final steps!) and am preparing the yarn now. I’m excited that this may be done at some point!

4 little squares to make, and then the outside of the big 8 complex ones.

Step 8 is the filigree fancy work on the big 8 complex ones, then joining it and doing the final border. So exciting!


Had to watch the video for Chrysanthemum. The first one is cobbled together and round 7 is backwards, lol, but it’s all good, as it looks mostly right. The second one, as usual, goes faster and easier.

Going between Tokyo Vice and House of Gucci while watching this and I can’t help but think that the writers/viewers must be a tetch lonely/horny.


Two of block 7 complete. The second one went REALLY fast comparatively.


Three done, fourth started. Down to 4.88g of what I’m using for “peach”. Whoo! That’s the last of it, so all good.


Fourth one is half-done, hopefully will finish tomorrow. Then the Acanthus part, which will take more time.


And, fourth one done! Whoo! That was was fast. I can see how doing a whole blanket of one square would be much faster than this particular project. No regrets, though, I love this still.


Four complete of the 2A Ancanthus Step 7.


Spent the weekend in Pbo and finished Step 7 of all the 2A Ancanthus blocks. On to Step 8!


I think I did something wrong, many times in a row, and now I’m a bit discouraged.

However, I do plan to regroup and see how bad it is. Wouldn’t be the worst to have this block as a whole pattern itself (cuts & pastes in PDF).


ARGH. I made so many mistakes in step 7. SO MANY MISTAKES. So I have to undo all but one of them. Blargh.

This pattern would be a zillion times easier if it were charted.


Well, here we are. I have repaired step 7 (more or less) for all 8 of the 2A blocks and completed step 8 for four of them.

I am thinking of learning how to chart crochet because of this whole effort, ha.


FINALLY FINISHED 2A for all 8 blocks. FINALLY! Whooooo!

Now, time to do some sewing up of the blocks and then the final edging! !!!

More than three years to complete this, well, they’ve been a busy three years.


Pinned together and ready to go. Will likely be about 65cm square, or half the size of the original blanket design, same number of stitches. ;)



Corners seamed! All the little seams next (8 of them) so same as the corners. Then attaching to the centre, then the border. :)


Frame seamed, now to attach the frame to the middle! Getting there, getting there. :)


I have seamed 1 side of the frame to the center and am making my way slowly around the whole of the center. It looks pretty great so far!


Finished attaching the frame to the middle, so lovely. Now I have to figure out whether to continue the edging and make this a stand-alone tiny blanket or make it part of the back.


My noodle offered me an idea -- complete the border, then make a back that repeats the border and then seam it so that the border is like a thick frame around the pillow.


Finished round 5, very much enjoying this border even though it’s so long. Round 6 looks pretty long, too.


Finished! Ends woven in! Ready to be blocked and maybe framed? Who knows! It’s 75cm square unblocked. :)

viewed 225 times
September 20, 2020
January 1, 2024
About this pattern
920 projects, in 1230 queues
SynapticImpulse's overall rating
SynapticImpulse's clarity rating
SynapticImpulse's difficulty rating
About this yarn
by Koigu
100% Merino
175 yards / 50 grams

44472 projects

stashed 49330 times

SynapticImpulse's star rating
About this yarn
by Blue Moon Fiber Arts
100% Merino
405 yards / 146 grams

43075 projects

stashed 56890 times

SynapticImpulse's star rating
About this yarn
by Koigu
100% Merino
175 yards / 50 grams

12254 projects

stashed 13302 times

SynapticImpulse's star rating
About this yarn
by Sweet Sheep
100% Merino
375 yards / 100 grams

63 projects

stashed 35 times

SynapticImpulse's star rating
About this yarn
by Lofty Fibres
100% Wool
380 yards / 100 grams

14 projects

stashed 15 times

SynapticImpulse's star rating
About this yarn
by Dizzy Blonde Studios
100% Merino
560 yards / 115 grams

590 projects

stashed 1095 times

SynapticImpulse's star rating
About this yarn
by SweetGeorgia Yarns
80% Merino, 20% Nylon
424 yards / 115 grams

28888 projects

stashed 26420 times

SynapticImpulse's star rating
About this yarn
by Yarn Indulgences
80% Merino, 20% Silk
400 yards / 100 grams

55 projects

stashed 62 times

SynapticImpulse's star rating
About this yarn
by Yarn Indulgences
70% Merino, 20% Cashmere goat, 10% Nylon
400 yards / 100 grams

708 projects

stashed 649 times

SynapticImpulse's star rating
About this yarn
by Koigu
94% Merino, 6% Metallic
164 yards / 50 grams

129 projects

stashed 185 times

SynapticImpulse's star rating
  • Project created: September 20, 2020
  • Finished: January 1, 2024
  • Updated: January 8, 2024
  • Progress updates: 14 updates