Swoops and Dots
January 2, 2016
April 20, 2016

Swoops and Dots

Project info
Mah head
Needles & yarn
US 6 - 4.0 mm
double knit stranded stockinette
176 yards
Dusky Blues
100.0 yards (91.4 meters), 53 grams
Magic Carpet
47.0 yards (43.0 meters), 23 grams
Magic Carpet
Mellow Yellow
29.5 yards (27.0 meters), 13 grams
Magic Carpet


Originally designed after seeing this image from nayllij in September 2015:


I sketched this out the next day as the square thumbnail made the dress look like a hat with curved colourwork.

Previously I had seen the new/old stranduing technique that is part double-knitting, and bam, pow, idea!


Soon after Jill’s photo, I saw this pattern in Knitty, October 2015:


Pow! Refined idea!

Then I spun yarn that ended up being three coordinated colours. Shazam!


I cannot wing this! I need to chart it out. But I have figured out all but anchoring the first stitch for the dk stranding.


Read how to start the purled stitches, d’oh, then they’d be anchored… sigh Start three ahoy!


okay, now we’re trucking! have the purl stitches anchored, and am moving through my chart.


Yeah, I’ll have to rechart this eventually but it’s so much fun to knit and the results are pretty neat. Squishy and should be super warm. My tension seems a little loose on the dk floats, maybe?


ran out of pink, was too tall and too stiff and too many mistakes so I tore it out to the ribbing and we’ll start over! or rather I will start over. making a new shorter chart with a steeper swoosh and more awareness of how to do circles.


Got so far, realized I have to rechart it entirely to make it make sense. And that my scrawls are too vague to make a good chart.

So…back again.


Tinked back and started over with the new chart. Much better. Mistakes were still made but so it goes.

The yarn feels huge and very fuzzy compared to the scarf I just finished! But so lovely to knit.


I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve ripped this back. Decided to duplicate stitch over a couple of places.

Reworked the chart, bought glow tape, and it’s going much faster now. And it looks good. :)


Augh. When I blew up the chart, some of the bits were too faint.

Maybe the sixth’s time is the charm…



Ripped it back to the ribbing again. It’s a fast knit (ha) but I’m not sure it’s going to work out. Selina and Joshua both think at least one dot should be 3d.


And so it goes, onward again! The good news is it’s going very quickly this time. Turns out it takes me a few runs before I read even my own instructions.


So, clearly need to indicate when a new swoop or dot will start on a line so I don’t forget the little buggers.

Meanwhile, this is knitting up much faster the sixth time…


Finished knitting it on April 20th.

Finished sewing in the ends and washing it tonight. Whee!

Going to join the guild to enter the hat, I think.

viewed 74 times
January 2, 2016
April 20, 2016
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
  • Project created: January 3, 2016
  • Finished: May 8, 2016
  • Updated: June 18, 2016
  • Progress updates: 11 updates