modified pocket hat/giant swatch
no date set
December 15, 2021

modified pocket hat/giant swatch

Project info
8-Trick Pocket Hat by TECHknitter
HatBeanie, Toque
Needles & yarn
US 5 - 3.75 mm
basketweave on 6 ribbed sts, p2
Cascade Yarns ® Cascade 220®
1 skein = 220.0 yards (201.2 meters), 100 grams
scrap sports weight yarn for part of the lining

Tan yarn, gauge can be taken from the photos. Knit on a size 5 needle.

Pattern is directly modified from my 8-trick pocket hat, and straight up incorporating the the truly flat hat top of that pattern. (Third and fourth photos.)

The ribs are 6 sts wide, separated from one another by p2 columns, which--when you get down to it--is a modification on a p2, k2 rib of the pocket hat with the center 6 sts run together into one giant rib. You can clearly see this at the bottom of the hat where the p2 k2 ribbing segues into the wide-rib basketweave pattern.

I cast on 128 sts (more than the pocket hat pattern actually calls for) because I wanted to line the hat and because the basketweave pattern draws up the ribs somewhat.

CO provisionally 128 sts on waste yarn. switch to main yarn, P 1 round. Establish texture pattern for ribbing, knit to desired height, establish texture pattern fir wide basket weave stripes, knit to desired height. At the desired height, switch back to a p2 k2 ribbing (top of hat) and decrease as for pocket hat

texture pattern for basket weave stripe (multiple of 8 sts and 8 rounds)

rounds 1 and 2: * p2, K6. Repeat from *

rounds 3 and 4: * p2, k1 p1, k2, p1, k1. Repeat from *

rounds 5 and 6: same as round 1 and 2

rounds 7 and 8: * p2, k2, p2, k2. Repeat from *

Lining: remove waste yarn, pick up sts, p1 round using same needles and yarn as for outer shell.

You are now working “upside down” so you can’t match the p2, k2 pattern of the bottom-of-the-outer shell ribbing, or you’d be 1/2 stitch off. Instead, work p1 k3, with the center st of the k3 centered on the k2 rib of the outer shell (this will make more sense when you have it in your hand), see also one photo up from bottom.

Work in same yarn and established p1, k3 ribbing until you’ve knit enough height to firmly cover the ears. Then (to my taste, anyway) it would make a too-stiff and bulky hat to continue this heavy lining all the way to the crown of the hat, so instead swich to thinner yarn in matching color (or not!) and work the rest of the lining to the appropriate height, working the thinner yarn to the same gauge as the thicker yarn (either loosen the gauge in your hand, or work on larger needles). Lining yarn change is evident on the bottom two photos.

Fadge a decrease at the top of the lining based on the truly flat top of the pocket hat (must be fadged because you’re not starting off with p2 k2 ribbing, but with p1, k3). The easy fadge is to just make believe it p1 k3 Iis actually p2 k2 each is a 4-stitch pattern, so the translation comes easy) and maintain the same decreases as set forth for the pocket hat.

This hat is a giant swatch for a vest I intend to make using the same basketweave ribbed pattern.

viewed 219 times | helped 3 people
no date set
December 15, 2021
About this pattern
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About this yarn
by Cascade Yarns ®
100% Wool
220 yards / 100 grams

197419 projects

stashed 108425 times

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  • Project created: December 16, 2021
  • Finished: December 16, 2021
  • Updated: December 18, 2021