May 17, 2012
June 4, 2012


Project info
198 yds. of Heaven by Christy Verity
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Needles & yarn
madelinetosh Tosh Merino DK
1 skein = 225.0 yards (205.7 meters), 100 grams

Pretty easy pattern. I think i messed up the middle part but it still looks good so no harm no foul!

damn school, if not for trying to finish my Senior capstone and graduating I would have been done with this before the end of May!

…one of these days (now that i’m officially in the real world) I’m going to time how many hours it actually takes to complete a project, counting ONLY the actual time I spend working on it.

I hope to wear it this fall/winter and get pics of me wearing it :)

viewed 123 times | helped 2 people
May 17, 2012
June 4, 2012
About this pattern
6187 projects, in 5432 queues
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About this yarn
by madelinetosh
100% Merino
225 yards

15154 projects

stashed 11822 times

TangerineTangent's star rating
  • Project created: May 17, 2012
  • Finished: June 9, 2012
  • Updated: August 7, 2012
  • Progress updates: 4 updates