I used leftover yarn…I didn’t have enough of one color (navy blue) so I took a chance and added some turquoise. I did two strands of the dark blue, and one of the turq so that there was turq and navy throughout but the soles were slightly more navy than turq. make sense?
got the knitting and felting done by the 24th to show her, but didn’t get the finishing stuff done til Epiphany.
Luckily it came out GREAT; since they were both ella rae they felted very similarly, though they achieved more texture than usual, which I like since it gives it a heathered look.
I like ella rae. It’s a nice simple, durable, ‘workhorse’ of a yarn. Nothing fantastic, but it does its job well. and i really like the colors I picked of it.
(I’ve noticed that nearly all of my projects are either: turquoise, some shade of blue, or some shade of red/pink. the few exceptions are two yellow things same yarn, and the purple things.)
I started felting by hand, but it was taking FOREVER (at least an hour and still very large) so i put them in the dryer for a bit. took them out, had cait try them on at Christmas and they were still too big. So i put them in the dryer again, and got them closer to my size, so now they’re too snug for her, but easily stretchable. I like it best that way.
Also, I stitched up the heel higher than usual so it curves up and hugs the heel. i think that will make for a better tighter fit.
Somehow I got the feeling that I needed a contrasting MAGENTA, and amazingly I found perfect buttons to what I was envisioning. Grabbed some magenta thread and really played up the side seam for a color accent. I am very satisfied.