Merciful Minerva - Wonder Woman Cuff #1
March 19, 2015
March 22, 2015

Merciful Minerva - Wonder Woman Cuff #1

Project info
Tools and equipment
Bead Smith Bead Loom

For the Wonder Woman Cuffs weave-a-long in the Spiritual Weaving group:

Using an ordinary Bead Smith bead loom, this project combines bead loom weaving technique with tapestry weaving technique.

You will also need a metal cuff blank.

Warp the bead loom with beading thread or embroidery thread. I warped on every other coil and put on 12 warps. (It’s best to use an even number of warps.)

Thread two needles: one beading needle with beading thread and one tapestry needle with two or more strands of thicker embroidery thread

Weave a row (under over under over) the warp threads with the tapestry needle + thicker embroidery threads. (Important: go under the edge warps, not over. You will see the importance of this when you put on a row of beads.)

Follow with the beading needle + beading thread, moving in the same direction and following the same under over sequence.

Change direction and repeat for a few rows

Now it’s time for a row with just beads. Drop your tapestry needle. Pick up several beads with your beading needle (one to fit in each space between the warps. Size 6 seed beads work well). Weave a row of beads in the normal bead loom weaving technique. A free tutorial can be found on my blog here:

Repeat the above steps until your weaving reaches the desired length. Cut it off the loom and knot warp ends.

With beading thread and beading needle, tack the weaving to a length of ultra-suede or ultra-leather. Use tiny stitches that can’t be seen.

Glue the weaving/ultra-leather piece to the outside of the metal cuff blank.

Cut around the weaving so that the ultra-leather extends about 1/8 inch beyond the borders of the metal cuff blank.

Glue another piece of ultra-leather to the inside of the metal cuff blank. Cut this piece of ultra-leather so that it extends about 1/8 inch beyond the borders of the metal cuff blank and so that the edges of the two pieces of ultra-leather match up.

Sew the edges of the ultra-leather together with beading thread and beads, encasing the metal cuff blank within. Use whatever beading stitch you like.

Sew on more beads if desired.

Put cuff on wrist then go be Wonder Woman and save the world, or at least your little corner of it.

Special Note: As far as I know, the way that I wove this cuff is unique and I didn’t copy any other method that I’ve read about. However, I know that someone else in the world has probably also thought up the same method. It looks somewhat like what you can weave on a Mirrix loom but the technique used is different because simple bead looms do not have a heddle to form a shed. Therefore, I had to find a way to combine bead loom weaving technique with tapestry weaving technique. This project is the result.

23 March 2015*

viewed 126 times | helped 2 people
March 19, 2015
March 22, 2015
  • Project created: March 19, 2015
  • Finished: March 23, 2015
  • Updated: March 2, 2020