Lichen Mists
October 10, 2012
November 10, 2012

Lichen Mists

Project info
Lichen Mists by Ruth Garcia
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Needles & yarn
Spinning a Yarn NZ Silk Merino Luxury
1 skein = 437.0 yards (399.6 meters), 100 grams
Holland Road Yarn Co in Lyall Bay, Wellington

After so many stocking stitch projects, i’d forgotten how much I adore knitting lace. Just enough to focus my mind on the task at hand, and feel zen and centered. Is that weird?

I’m not sure how many repeats of the first chart i’ll do - 3 seems to few, 7 too many. Will see how I go.

Part of the #twitknit Lichen Mists KAL.

viewed 81 times
October 10, 2012
November 10, 2012
About this pattern
19 projects, in 101 queues
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About this yarn
by Spinning a Yarn NZ
50% Silk, 50% Merino
437 yards / 100 grams

191 projects

stashed 221 times

TashB's star rating
  • Project created: October 16, 2012
  • Updated: January 5, 2013
  • Progress updates: 3 updates