Delicious Knee Socks
December 1, 2012
January 15, 2013

Delicious Knee Socks

Project info
Delicious Knee Socks by Laura Chau
Feet / LegsSocksKnee-highs
Foot size 8, calf size F
Needles & yarn
US 1 - 2.25 mm
SweetGeorgia Yarns Tough Love Sock
none left in stash
2 skeins = 850.0 yards (777.2 meters), 230 grams
Eat.Sleep.Knit in Dallas, Georgia

Final thoughts:

  • These turned out great!
  • If I were to make them again I would probably stop at knee socks. 10-12” of 1x1 rib is too much.
  • I would always make these two at a time on two sets of needles. Couldn’t imagine making myself start the second sock after knitting just one!
  • The colourway (tumbled stone) is really pretty for a neutral. As I knit these people kept commenting on the colour and how nice it was.
  • I would sub the same heel that I did again, not the one in the pattern. Probably because of my knitting skill and not the fault of the pattern but I didn’t do a very good job attempting the one in the pattern
  • I did Jeny’s Surprisingly Stretchy Bind-Off and it was very stretchy - left a bit of a rippled edge but I don’t mind as I care more about the stretch.
  • Think I would like to try these in stripes!


  • They do fall down a little, but mostly from bending my knees and moving around. I wore them on their own (not over tights) and they would slouch a little, but nothing too annoying. Over tights they would ‘stick’ and stay up better.
  • I think I might also wear them with the cuff folded over just below the knee, so they don’t sag from bending my knees.

12/1 cast on. Used Judy’s magic cast on on size 1 bamboo circ needles.
Knit toe of first sock, stopped after increase row to 64 sts and started second sock. Going to knit both socks at the same time on two circ needles.
Knit toe of second sock stopping after incr row to 64 st.

12/4 finished both feet, stopping at 70 rows before starting heels.

12/5 for gusset, knit 26 rows + half-row to get across instep. Didn’t like my attempt at short row heels so am following a different pattern, Wendy’s fingering weight toe up socks with gusset heel.

12/6 finished first gusset!

12/7 finished second gusset. Started first leg. Foot and heel fits snugly and very nicely.

12/8 for leg, knit 34 rows till start of increases. Got there on first sock, starting second sock leg.
Got to row 34 on second leg.
Knit across instep to middle of back of leg to start increases.

12/15 got to row 128 on first sock, stopping after increases for calf plus a few extra rows to get to middle of calf. Last increase row on 121.
Picked up second sock and started increases on row 35.

12/27 Got to the ribbing on sock #1! Ribbing is slow going but looks great, feels great when I tried on the sock and finishes off the top of the sock nicely. I’m going for the over-the-knee socks unless I get bored and stop short!

12/30 got to ribbing on both socks! 1x1 ribbing is slow. Considered stopping for knee socks (instead of over-the-knee) but feel I might regret it, if I stop now..

1/7 fits GREAT! The tried-on photo is with about 5” of ribbing. Supposed to knit till 12”, they are going to be awesome!

1/10 Finished first sock!! Knit to 10” of ribbing before nearly running out of yarn. (Saved a tiny bit for repairs.)
At 4” of ribbing on second sock. Only 6” to go!

1/15 finished, finished, finished!! Oh yeah. I am DONE. Both socks. DONE.
Just need to do the bind off, and give them a nice bath and blocking and then I can wear these proudly!

viewed 1671 times | helped 8 people
December 1, 2012
January 15, 2013
About this pattern
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About this yarn
by SweetGeorgia Yarns
80% Merino, 20% Nylon
424 yards / 115 grams

28891 projects

stashed 26420 times

TasiaKnits' star rating
  • Originally queued: October 7, 2012
  • Project created: December 1, 2012
  • Updated: February 12, 2013
  • Progress updates: 5 updates