Stripes gone crazy
September 9, 2018
December 23, 2018

Stripes gone crazy

Project info
Stripes Gone Crazy by alfa knits
Me: 5’8”; 43” bust, 33” high waist, 42” hip
Needles & yarn
1,426 yards
Miss Babs Hot Shot
0.86 skeins = 344.0 yards (314.6 meters), 98 grams
Miss Babs Hand Dyed Yarns & Fibers
Miss Babs Hot Shot Toes
1.39 skeins = 184.9 yards (169.0 meters), 52 grams
Miss Babs Hand Dyed Yarns & Fibers
Miss Babs Hot Shot Toes
1 skein = 133.0 yards (121.6 meters), 38 grams
Miss Babs Hand Dyed Yarns & Fibers
Miss Babs Hot Shot Toes
1.72 skeins = 228.8 yards (209.2 meters), 65 grams
Miss Babs Hand Dyed Yarns & Fibers
Miss Babs Hot Shot Toes
1.2 skeins = 159.6 yards (145.9 meters), 45 grams
Miss Babs Hand Dyed Yarns & Fibers
Miss Babs Hot Shot Toes
1.18 skeins = 156.9 yards (143.5 meters), 44 grams
Miss Babs Hand Dyed Yarns & Fibers
Miss Babs Hot Shot Toes
1.11 skeins = 147.6 yards (135.0 meters), 42 grams
Miss Babs Hand Dyed Yarns & Fibers
Miss Babs Hot Shot Toes
0.54 skeins = 71.8 yards (65.7 meters), 20 grams
Miss Babs Hand Dyed Yarns & Fibers


I can’t quite pinpoint yardage for my size. Secondly, I want a size between L and XL. May do XL with a size 3 needle. I also want to use my gradient. I’ll consider this and experiment and an act of love.
First up is the color Sunny with 35.2g wound. I plan to buy a second one of these so the yoke has a similar depth to the rest of the stripes, but does it really matter since they’ll end up being short rows?


Finished the Sunny on first repeat of row 29.
40.9g of Vincient is next.
40.3g of kernel will be first stripes.
Stopped after first repeat of row 30.


Finished Vincient on row 61.
39g of Soraya is next.


16.3g remaining of Soraya after the first stripe. 27.2g of kernel as I start the second stripe.


Finished first grey stripe. 13.8g left of the kernel.
So 13.4g of kernel was used on the stripe.


Done with second yellow stripe. I had 1.9g left.
Third stripe took 14.4g.
Next grey up is Pericarp. I have 38.8g.
Last yellow is Helio. I have 110.7g.


24.5g of pericarp left after its stripe. 14.3g on that second grey stripe.
Stopped halfway through the first Helio stripe. I’ll wind the next grey tomorrow.


35.7g of Fierce at the beginning of its stripe.


21.0g of fierce left after it’s stripe. So 14.7g of yarn on the last CC stripe.
39.2g of ebony is next up. Left side is done and first MC stripe is done along the bottom. Didn’t weight the yellow.


31.6g of ebony after the stripe. 88.6g of Helio at the beginning if the last stripe set in this section. 15.5g of fierce after the next stripe.
21.1g of pericarp left after this stripe.
Found I’ve erred. I skipped the section with 16 rows to 14 rows thinking it was just for an other size section. Have to go back. Might be a good time to start sleeve while the body takes a recess.


Finished the main body.

29.8g left of ebony
10.9g of fierce
15g of pericarp
8.7g kernel
39.3g of Soraya since I’ve purchased another
62.4g of Helio


47.1g left after ribbing.


I’m done with the first sleeve. Made it a little long then ripped the black out and made it the ribbing. Finished the collar on Friday. I picked up the collar with a size one and knit it on a 1.5. The cuff was knit with a 1.5 while the sleeve was skit on the size 3.

One sleeve and button band to go.

After one sleeve and collar:
23.5g Black
4.3g darkest grey
7.3g medium grey
36.7g light grey
29.9g light yellow
24.3g darker yellow
34g Helio yellow


Picked up 131 stitches on right button band.


Partially through second sleeve. 38.4g of Fierce is last up along with 37.6g of Pericarp.


Final yarn quantities.

From the yellows, lightest to darkest.
Sunny: 23.1g
Vincent: 0g
Soraya: 10.6g
Helio: 13.9g

From the greys, lightest to black.
Kernel: 30.6g
Pericarp: 31.2g
Fierce: 33.8g
Ebony: 17.5g

viewed 1054 times | helped 5 people
September 9, 2018
December 23, 2018
About this pattern
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About this yarn
by Miss Babs
80% Merino, 20% Nylon
400 yards / 114 grams

2473 projects

stashed 3605 times

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About this yarn
by Miss Babs
80% Merino, 20% Nylon
133 yards / 38 grams

376 projects

stashed 681 times

TechKNITian's star rating
  • Project created: September 8, 2018
  • Finished: December 23, 2018
  • Updated: March 11, 2021
  • Progress updates: 9 updates