22 February 2024: I absolutely love this thing.
All done.
• yarn weight
• needles used
• stitch count
• raglan increases on purl round
• on rounds that had tons of increases, did increases like Asterie on knit round (invisible garter stitch increase in the round (min 6:44): https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sFuG-cTckjw)
• did not turn at BOR, but purled every other round instead. (If I were to nix the purling, I would opt to use the W&T method at BOR: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JZPtgCyBeco)
• neck circ: 16.5” taken around
• body circ from underarm to underarm: 20”
• body circ at its widest: 24”
• length center front: 18”
• length from underarm to bind off edge: 9”
• sleeve circ: 7.5”
• sleeve length inseam: 15”
• raglan depth: 10.5”
• US5 cast on and the following round
• US7 for the rest
About the pattern: the no-purling garter really threw me for a loop. It was brilliant. But not sure what I did wrong because my back seam didn’t look like what was pictured on page 7 of the pattern. So I started over and just knitted and purled.
Pattern is clear enough. The end result is really truly a simple clean minimalist sweater. It was love at first at sight. Can be worn all on its own, or paired with a collar (pictured here with the lace collar I knitted recently, which just needs a tiny button).
I have a newfound appreciation for garter. It’s so squishy and dense. It’s my second jumper in garter stitch. And I have two more queued up.
Had to do major maths to get the final size 2 stitch count. But I did it!
Shape/silhouette is overall the same. But the raglan is not as deep. I think it’s perfect.
20 February 2024: off the needles.
18 February 2024: first sleeve done
15 February 2024: body off the needles.
9 February 2024: Plotted out the stitch count and started over. Cast on 96 with US5. And then US7.
8 February 2024: frogged it
7 February 2024: I got my wires crossed. It was huge! I had done measurement calculations based on my recently finished Asterie — and I knitted that using US7. BUT I knitted simplicity using US8.
Am very torn. As written, it basically nixes purl rounds (awesome). But—and maybe it’s just me—the garter seam looks even more pronounced (not so awesome).
Do I want to purl a million alternate rounds or can I live with a more visible, seemingly joggier seam?
4 February 2024: cast on.
Size 3. Target is 44”
Supersoft held double.