Stashbusting vintage-style jacket
no date set
January 15, 2023

Stashbusting vintage-style jacket

Project info
My brain...
Coat / Jacket
Needles & yarn
US 6 - 4.0 mm

Using stash yarns to knit a jacket. I’ll decide on sleeves once I know how much yarn I have left.

30g front right panel 1 Dec 2023

Sleeves CO 70 stitches, 2 rows garter then 1 full pattern block. Dec 1 then start increase pattern. Next time, just start increase later

Bind off for armpit after 9 cables, on cable row.

Playing yarn chicken, need to change shape of shoulder. Start binding off 1 stitch each side front and back from 1st RS row after 11th cable. End with 14 stitches either side of cables.

Run out of yarn… After 14 stitches either side of cables CO 7 beginning of next 2 rows then CO 4 next 2 rows, then CO 3 next 2 rows then bind off.


I thought I had better fake seam the garment’s progress to see how it all looks together. It’s lucky I did, I will have to frog an entire sleeve! The sleeve I knit is far too wide and the garment itself is a very tight fit with negative ease, so they simply don’t match at all. I will frog the sleeve and start over


I cast on a new sleeve. This time I CO 40 stitches and knitted 2 rows garter in orange yarn held double then 3 rows garter in MC before continuing in pattern block. Then K2, M1, K8, P3, K6, P3, K6, P3, K8, M1, K2 (43).

Then resume cables and stockinette. I have not yet decided upon the rate of increases for sleeve, but I should have enough yarn for a full-length sleeve if I go for ordinary set in sleeves.


Guage on sleeve

27-28 rows per 10cm
21 stitches per 10cm

Need to get from 43 stitches to 83 stitches over 44cm, ie increase 40 stitches over 118-123 rows

120/40 = 3, therefore increase 2 stitches every 6 rows

Start faster, increase 2 stitches after 2 rows initially, then change to 2 every 6


The ball of yarn used for the current sleeve is really splitty with many broken plies. I keep having to break my yarn. As such I think I should get it to only 79 stitches at underarm instead of 83.

I have already done 10 of the 20 increases, and I am up to increase 11, so if I increase every 8 rows instead of every 6 I should reach the right number of stitches.

Hopefully I won’t run out


I’m not good at recording what I do lol. Checked the previous sleeve and I did get to 83 at underarms, although 2 stitches were cast on just 2 rows before casting off for underarms.

I’m currently up to 77 stitches and 14 cables compared to 83 stitches and 16.5 cables on the other sleeve. It’s 8 rows per cable so I think I’m on track and it even looks like I have a bit more yarn left than I thought, but probably not enough to finish the entire shoulders.


Armscyth 21 cm high

14cm width

14^2 + x^2 = 21^2

X = 16

viewed 259 times
no date set
January 15, 2023
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
  • Project created: November 30, 2022
  • Finished: January 15, 2023
  • Updated: December 29, 2024
  • Progress updates: 3 updates