Pearl clutcher
December 31, 2012
January 29, 2013

Pearl clutcher

Project info
Pearl Clutcher by Kayla Dyches
Needles & yarn
1,648 yards = 16 skeins
Knit Picks Telemark
12 skeins = 1236.0 yards (1130.2 meters), 600 grams
Knit Picks Telemark
2 skeins = 206.0 yards (188.4 meters), 100 grams
Knit Picks Telemark
2 skeins = 206.0 yards (188.4 meters), 100 grams

I wrote and charted this pattern two years ago, in August 2010. Shortly after purchasing the yarn, however, I forgot about it… Until now. I’m knitting from the pattern right now, pretty much testing knitting my own pattern, because I don’t remember any of it. So far, no errors.

Just coming in to say that I’m glad I didn’t knit it back then, because I got into body building in the fall of 2011. Every sweater I knit prior to that doesn’t even fit my massive biceps and shoulders now. It would have broken my heart to have put so much work into this sweater and not be able to wear it now.

1.3.2013: On the third ball of red. I worked all three colors as stranded on the first penis repeat, but after that juggling session, I think the remaining seamen swirls are going to be duplicate stitch. So, rest of the cardigan will just be stranded with two colors. This will save me yarn, because I only have one ball of the cream/white and the yarn is discountinued now.

1.5.2013: started the fifth ball. Going a lot faster now. About to split for the armhole.

1.7.2013: On the sixth ball of yarn, right front is finished. So far, there have been no errors with the pattern. Moving on to the back this evening.

1.10.2013: Okay, seventh ball, back is almost finished. Didn’t get to work on it for two days, but I’m on it again tonight.

1.12.2013: I finished the back last night, finishing the left front today. Then I’m going to take care of the steek before I add the sleeves.

1.14.2013: Eighth ball has been started, still on the left front, because I neglected it yesterday.

1.17.2013: I steeked that shit last night, bitches! Crochet steeks are awesome. The pattern used a seven stitch steek, so I went ahead and folded over the extra and seamed it to the inside, I’ll be doing that to the other side this afternoon and then I’ll finish the duplicate stitch seaman swirls before moving on to the sleeves. I decided NOT to continue the pattern onto the sleeves, but the pattern does include the charted sleeves in case you would like to put the peens on there as well. Mine are just going to be red sleeves. I think either way is great, but the yarn is discontinued and I know I won’t have enough for the seaman on the sleeves.

1.19.2013: Steeks are sewn down, did the right button band last night, left button band and collar were finished this evening, and the last thing to do are the sleeves. I’M THIS CLOSE, YOU GUYZ, THIS FUCKING CLOSE!

1.20.2013: Half way through the first sleeve and I don’t think I have enough yarn to finish the second sleeve. So, I’ve contacted other Ravelers who have the Garnet Heather for sale. I’m never designing anything with Knit Picks yarn again. I love Telemark, but this is the third time I’ve designed something with their yarn and then it gets discontinued. I don’t understand them at all. It’s frustrating. I still have two skeins on hand, so I can keeping knitting until more arrives.

1.21.2013: One sleeve is finished! Last one and it’ll be ready for blocking!

1.22.2013: Annnd I ran out of yarn 42 rnds from completing the second sleeve. Ugh. I can finish the seamen swirly duplicate stitch while I wait for a Raveler to rescue me with an extra ball of yarn.

1.26.2013: Finished the seamen swirls and I’m just waiting for the last bit of yarn to come in so I can finish that sleeve, then blocking!

1.29.2013: Well, it’s finally complete. The epic cardigan of cardigans was blocked last night. The current pictures are just crappy cell shots, which do her no justice. We’re going to do a right and proper photo shoot today or tomorrow (the mister started vomiting his brains out this morning, so we’ll see how it goes). In the mean time, I’m going to polish up the pattern for your knitting pleasure. Expect it by tomorrow or Thursday!

viewed 3298 times | helped 10 people
December 31, 2012
January 29, 2013
About this pattern
11 projects, in 235 queues
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About this yarn
by Knit Picks
100% Wool
103 yards / 50 grams

6532 projects

stashed 7253 times

TheYarnBearer's star rating
  • Project created: December 31, 2012
  • Finished: January 30, 2013
  • Updated: February 7, 2013
  • Progress updates: 13 updates