Spring Zest
February 28, 2012
March 18, 2012

Spring Zest

Project info
2-Color Under Dutch Skies Brioche Shawl by Nancy Marchant
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
my doll
Needles & yarn
US 00 - 1.75 mm
Jane Stafford Textiles JST Zephyr Wool Silk 2/18
The Recycled Lamb in Golden, Colorado
Jane Stafford Textiles JST Zephyr Wool Silk 2/18
The Recycled Lamb in Golden, Colorado

5 March 2012
Holy cow-- this thing is coming along VERY quickly! I only have 3 more repeats to do (for a total of 14 leaves across the top) and the edging. The best part of having struggled so mightily through my 1st UDS? I finally understand what’s going on because I can “see” the pattern as I knit it, thus, I only need to glance at it from time to time. I also find that I can’t use stitch markers because suddenly I don’t understand my previous placement of them and they were throwing me off. AND (knock on wood), no lifelines! I think it’s because I can see the pattern, see what stitch needs to be worked next, and can see the leaves forming. Whereas before, I was struggling to make sure I had the right sequence of stitches done in between each marker, and I wasn’t trusting myself. Thus I was always having to rip things down because I made a lot of mistakes in my counting, etc. Oh, I’m in love with this pattern! Weeeeee! Progress pictures later-- I forgot my camera at home because I took a bunch of pictures of my cat last night because he was especially cute!

8 March 2012
Making rapid progress--only 1.5 repeats to go! Very excited about this one….

18 March 2012
And it’s FINISHED! I would have finished this a week ago, but I got dreadfully sick on Monday (12th) and haven’t pulled out my knitting until Saturday (17th). Hate losing time like that! Anyway, this shawl came out a little less lacy than expected, but here’s why…

Needle size is US 00
Yarn is a little too thick (like knitting worsted with 7’s or 8’s, I’m guessing)

Was trying to make a miniature version of this for my doll. I think I need to go down to my US0000’s and thread, though, to have it perfectly doll sized. Right now, it’s just dramatically beautiful, and a heavier weight, like, say a Fall or Winter shawl. Will take pictures with my doll tomorrow @ lunch time.

I love this though! It measures 24 inches across and almost 11.5 inches down the center. 7 leaves on each side, and did not do last increases before doing the edging.

These are indoor photos @ work on the great big marble slab counter at the service desk. Will take some natural light ones when the sun comes up (darn daylight savings!!!).

I may be totally nuts, because I want to make another one!!!! Not tiny, though, not yet. I need to get one of those Otts magnifying lamps and some appropriate thread. The things I do for my dolls! SMH…

Combination of windy March afternoon, forgotten doll props (to help them hold a position), and a camera without a swivel screen (which I use a LOT when photographing my dolls on the ground) equals a less than satisfactory doll shoot. Oh well, another day!

viewed 398 times
February 28, 2012
March 18, 2012
About this pattern
225 projects, in 705 queues
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About this yarn
by Jane Stafford Textiles
50% Tussah, 50% Merino
1100 yards / 100 grams

101 projects

stashed 113 times

Tinoose's star rating
  • Project created: February 29, 2012
  • Finished: March 19, 2012
  • Updated: March 24, 2012