(A Very Cold) Part of Your World
August 18, 2017
October 7, 2017

(A Very Cold) Part of Your World

Project info
Part of Your World by Lily Go
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Needles & yarn
US 4 - 3.5 mm
US 6 - 4.0 mm
Wollelfe Gradient Merino Nylon
1 skein = 1093.0 yards (999.4 meters), 250 grams

Need a break from the sweater that ain’t gonna fit…. A Lily Go MKAL, Yay!

The Mystery KAL is divided into 5 Clues published on Thursday (and Monday for 4th Clue) every week starting on August 17th, 2017.
1st Clue: August 17th (All size)
2nd Clue: August 24th (All size)
3rd Clue: August 31st (Only for L size)
4th Clue: September 4th (Only for L size)
5th Clue: September 7th (Only for M and L sizes)
6th Clue: September 14th (All size)
7th Clue: September 21st (All size)

18 August 2017
Finally decided on a yarn for this Little Mermaid theme. Using my beautiful Wollelfe gradient “Antartica.” Cast on begins today.

25 August 2017
Late finishing Clue 1 because of the thousands of beads I have, of course NONE of them were suitable for this yarn and project, lol! Picked up the beads yesterday when I picked up my car from the shop. Finished Clue 1 in the wee hours this morning (5am--woke up early, didn’t stay up that late). Beads are Ka-Gina Beads, Inc Triangular #5Sea Blue2981SB.

5 Sept 2017
Had an opportunity to do a test knit, so this MKAL fell to 2nd priority, and I’m behind! Just finished Clue 3, now on to Clue 4…

6 Sept 2017
Clue 4 completed. Now back to the test knit…

8 Oct 2017
Finally got back to this over the weekend and finished it last night. I forgot my wires (for blocking), but it turns out I didn’t even need them. I didn’t even need my pins or Knit Blockers (Knitter’s Pride). This thing pretty much blocked itself. I knew I didn’t want to stretch it out too big because I plan to wear it as a scarf. Anyway, after washing and soaking, I pretty much just laid it out with the two knit blockers to guide me. It measures approximately 79 inches in the inside curve. Can’t wait for it to dry!

viewed 184 times
August 18, 2017
October 7, 2017
About this pattern
from LilyGo
125 projects, in 242 queues
Tinoose's overall rating
Tinoose's clarity rating
Tinoose's difficulty rating
About this yarn
by Wollelfe
80% Merino, 20% Nylon
437 yards / 100 grams

1425 projects

stashed 1226 times

Tinoose's star rating
  • Project created: August 18, 2017
  • Finished: October 8, 2017
  • Updated: October 9, 2017