Cloud with a golden lining
April 1, 2013
May 26, 2013

Cloud with a golden lining

Project info
Nuvem by Martina Behm
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Needles & yarn
US 3 - 3.25 mm
1,809 yards
Malabrigo Yarn Lace
none left in stash
3 skeins = 1410.0 yards (1289.3 meters), 150 grams
saija's destash
The Sanguine Gryphon Sappho I
none left in stash
0.47 skeins = 399.5 yards (365.3 meters), 39 grams

I have 2 skeins in my stash, will see how long these take me and then decide do I order more or continue with candium.

I’m hoping this will be a perfect lecture/knitting meeting/mindles knitting project.

April 22nd: I bought a third skein from a fellow knitter and I’ve 40g of Sappho I that will do for the edge. So I need to knit 152g before the edge. Today I’ve knitted 37g! The fabric is just so perfect, soft and pretty.

April 25th: Yay, I’m almost done with first skein. And just realised that I’ve used one 3,25mm needle and one 3,5mm needle. Sigh. But it looks good so I don’t mind and will continue this way.

May 12th: 83 g knitted, 69g to go before the edging.

May 18th: started the third skein. My deadline is coming closer and closer but I’ve decided to get this done (I want to wear it at my SIL’s wedding on the June first).

May 23th: I’m at the ruffle, yay. It took my almost 4 hours to do the increase round and 2 hours to knit the first round after that. I’ve 41g yarn for the ruffle, each round seems to take about 3 g so I might do more rounds than in the pattern. Will see.

May 24th: On round 7 of the edging and I’ve 25 yarn left. Will knit few more rounds and then, bind off time!

May 26th: after 9 rows of edging, I’ve 13 yarn left and now I’ll start the bind off.

May 27th: It took my all day to do the bind off. But oh my, it was so worth it. This thing is huge, soft and lovely. One of the best things I’ve ever knitted. I even may knit a another one someday.

viewed 2054 times | helped 5 people
April 1, 2013
May 26, 2013
About this pattern
6606 projects, in 2834 queues
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About this yarn
by Malabrigo Yarn
100% Merino
470 yards / 50 grams

44568 projects

stashed 49192 times

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About this yarn
by The Sanguine Gryphon
100% Merino
850 yards / 85 grams

291 projects

stashed 620 times

Tui's star rating
  • Originally queued: September 9, 2011
  • Project created: April 1, 2013
  • Finished: May 27, 2013
  • Updated: January 17, 2017
  • Progress updates: 19 updates