Lulu's dress
November 3, 2011
December 13, 2011

Lulu's dress

Project info
2T-3T hopfully
Needles & yarn
US 5 - 3.75 mm
Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece
215 yards in stash
Betty's Fabrics in San Luis Obispo, California

I know the needles are a bit small but it’s what I’ve got.

co 42. I used long tail. need 4 stitch markers

1: 3st garter kfb, kfb pm between the two stitches, k4, kfb pm between the two stitches, k to other side 10st before end, kfb pm between the two stitches, k4, kfb pm between the two stitches, kfb 3st garter

2 and every even row: 3st garter, purl to other side, 3st garter

3 and every odd row: 3st garter. m1inc. k to one stitch before m, kfb, sl m, kfb repeat from ** for all 4 markers. k to 3st garter. m1inc. 3st garter

23increases total.

3st garter. m1inc. k to first marker. slip st between 1st and 2nd marker onto scrap yarn (sleeve 1). cast on 2 st placing a marker between them. continue k to 3rd marker. slip st between 3rd and 4th marker onto scrap yarn. cast on 2 st placing a marker between them. continue k to 3st garter. m1inc. 3st garter.

p back maintaining 3st garter on each side.

garter. m1inc. k to 2st before the first marker. ssk. sl m. k2tog. continue k to 2st before the 2nd marker. ssk. slm. k2tog. k to garter. m1inc. garter.

(there should now be 50 st before the 1st marker. 66 between the 1st and 2nd marker and 50 st after the second marker)

~the following hasn’t been tested… it’s edits and guessing because what I did wasn’t the most efficient or effective~

don’t p back and don’t turn. slip 32 st from the back onto an extra circ. skipping the 32 slipped st, from here on out you’re k in the round. p1. then begin k2p2 rib. when you get 17 st past the second marker, one by one, start knitting together each stitch from the extra circ to the next st on the needle maintaining the k2p2 pattern.

8 more rows of rib in the round.

birds eye for trim with trim attaching direction taken from the gardener’s cuff

I’m not totally excited about how the dress was attached but it’s on and it’s fine. Next time I think I’ll take the time to hand stitch it on.

viewed 13 times
November 3, 2011
December 13, 2011
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
About this yarn
by Brown Sheep
80% Pima, 20% Merino
215 yards / 100 grams

17350 projects

stashed 13721 times

UndrThTblNDrumng's star rating
  • Project created: September 19, 2011
  • Updated: December 13, 2011
  • Progress updates: 2 updates