2-13-2019: gauge swatch completed. Cast on!
2-21: split for sleeves, started down the body.
I’m going to add extra repeats before the Colorwork because 25” is too short for this full-on jacket (imo). Repeats x 11.
I am at 10 repeats, which equal 18”. I need to measure the store model to see how many inches the colorwork and bottom band add. I’m aiming for 30-31” total length.
I need to do that 11th repeat.
3-1: well into the Colorwork (row 65 of 74) and wow do I love how it looks.
3-5: I think I will add 2 more rows to the bottom band. It still isn’t as long as I had hoped it would be.
3-6: 1st sleeve started and added an extra repeat of the main color because I don’t like that bracelet length sleeve. If it still is too short, I will add more of the grey band.
I got gauge so I’m not sure why everything is coming out so SHORT.
3-8: USING a 16” Addi for the sleeves.
I added the extra repeat on sleeve 1 and it is still way short. I’m leaving the sleeve stitches live on a holder, finishing the 2nd sleeve and the band, then I will reevaluate the sleeve situation. I can always add more to the grey sleeve bands before I bind off.
WTF is up with the lengths of the body and the sleeves???
3-15: Second sleeve back on the needles and 1st colorwork “panel” completed.
3-20: 2nd sleeve is completed and on a holder til I see how much I need to add.
Stitches picked up: 43. 99 (due to extra repeats). 64. 99. 43. 348 total, so half is 174 (center back). Inc row 1= k 173, kfb, pm,kfb, k 173.
had to phone/text a friend on a back collar question
Repeat inc row, read as: knit to one stitch before center marker, kfb, sm, kfb, knit to end.
Numbers geek in me should not have figured it up, but the collar/front band, not including the bind off, will be 16,944 stitches. Yikes.
3-27: made it thru the allotted number of rows for the band and like all the other parts, the band still seems a bit short (narrow this time). Half repeat added, should have added more. Maybe it will block out, we’ll see.
3-28: sleeve 1 is back on needles to lengthen. Band is 1.5”, probably needs to be 3.5”. Additional 14 rows added and then fringe. FINISHED and blocking