Correcting Mis-Cables
April 2010
April 2010

Correcting Mis-Cables

Project info
Yarn Harlot, and January One
correcting a mis-crossed cable in my Cable Luxe Tunic
working it out on a cable swatch!
Needles & yarn
US 8 - 5.0 mm

Final note: I ended up doing the January One method on my tunic. It was SCARY to snip out that stitch, but it all turned out perfectly. I had to look on the back for the tiny knots in order to find the correction again! Yay!

Many thanks to the fabulous Ravelry member who offered me links to the two websites where I found the information on how to fix mis-crossed cables!

Yarn Harlot: All is not lost

January One

Yarn Harlot offers two solutions, January One offers a third. My plan is to:

  1. Make a cable swatch of the same type as the Cable Luxe pattern that I need to fix. The swatch will have 3 mis-crossed cables, so I can try out each of the three solutions.

  2. Fix each cable according to a different method, keeping a log (below) for future reference.

  3. Choose my favourite method and use it to correct the mis-cable on my Cable Luxe Tunic!

The cable swatch is completed, and it just now occurred to me: the 2 methods that require the use of extra yarn will make it tricky to match my actual Cable Luxe project, which is done in variegated wool. I suppose I’ll worry about that later…

Yarn Harlot’s Method 1 is wonderful - Follow the photos down to see how it went! :-)

Yarn Harlot’s Method 2 looks great when SHE does it, but mine looks pretty lame, I think. Better than nothing, in a pinch, though. At least it takes the glaring-ness out of the original error.

I found the January One method quick & easy, but…somehow I ended up with an extra little band of yarn that shouldn’t be there.

I’m going to make another swatch and practice this method a couple more times. If it doesn’t work out, I’ll go with the Yarn Harlot Method 1, even though it will mean frogging those 6 stitches back 20 or 30 Rows.

Of the three methods, Yarn Harlot’s first method was the only one that actually seemed fun and (relatively) fool-proof. Since I want a sure thing, that’s the one I’ll use for my Cable Luxe Tunic.

Wish me luck! I hope this little project is helpful to someone out there. Please feel free to send me a message if you want to talk about these methods, or to share your mis-crossed cable story. :-)*

viewed 139 times | helped 3 people
April 2010
April 2010
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
  • Project created: April 19, 2010
  • Finished: April 19, 2010
  • Updated: September 13, 2010
  • Progress updates: 4 updates