Part of my Innocent hat project.
Body and head in yellow
Cast on 28sts
Rows 1-2 Knit 2 rows
Rows 3-14 Beginning with a knit row SS 12 rows
Row 15 K2tog across- 14sts
Row 16 Purl
Row 17 (K1, inc) across row- 21sts
Rows 18-28 SS 11 rows
Cast off.
Sew row ends together, keeping this seam at back and centre sew across top of head.
Stuff head, run thread around neck and tighten, add stitches inside to prevent the stuffing from falling out.
Add face.
Cast on 5 sts in black
7 rows I cord
Bend I cord and stitch in place
Cast on 7 sts in yellow
SS 9 rows
Make body and head as for Sooty,
Red for 7 rows, then change to white
Add felt circles with a black french knit for eyes
Add a bow.
In black cast on 4sts
5 rows of icord
Arms as for Sooty in black
Sweep- all in grey
Cast on 28sts
Rows 1-2 Knit 2 rows
Rows 3-14 Beginning with a knit row SS 12 rows
Row 15 K2tog across- 14sts
Row 16 Purl
Row 17 K1, inc, across row- 21sts
Rows 18-28 SS 11 rows
K1, then K2tog the rest of the sts- 11sts
Sweep ear x 2 in garter stitch
Cast on 3sts
K a row
Inc, K1, Inc- 5sts
K 6 rows
K2tog, K1, K2tog-3sts
K 4 rows
Cast off
As for Sooty in grey