Albert Gnome & Teeny Tiny
July 28, 2014
July 29, 2014

Albert Gnome & Teeny Tiny

Project info
Jultomtar & Teeny Tomte by Alan Dart
Medium Jultomtar
Needles & yarn
US 2½ - 3.0 mm
US 10 - 6.0 mm
Bergère de France Fourrure
Robin Double Knit
Robin Double Knit
Robin Double Knit

Good PATTERN INSTRUCTIONS to follow. Though, I can certainly see the merit of working in-the-round for this project. Working flat didn’t bother me, too much, since I used my shorter DPNS as straight needles, so it didn’t seem fiddly at all. However, finished seams are bulky, unless you are really careful with your mattress stitching! So rather than cast off last row of mitts, I broke yarn and threaded through rem sts on needle, instead.

The HEAD is stuffed to circumference of 8” to accommodate hat and beard, so don’t worry if it seems small when first knitted. Mine fitted a medium sized gnome. It helped to complete hat and beard before stuffing head so that I could gauge how much to fill the sewn head.

The S M L sizes are determined by which body pattern instruction increases you follow from there-on.

I used a chenille stem (fluffy pipe cleaner), instead of hair spray, for the end of the HAT.

I have positioned my gnome’s LEGS for sewing whilst he’s on a flat surface, so that he will sit comfortably without falling forward when they are sewn onto body.

The BEARD, was knitted from a left over length of chunkier faux fur yarn than recommended (in garter st) and ran out before I could do last 6 rows, but seems sufficiently long, nevertheless.

I filled the muslin pouch with some stale lentils to give his rear the required weight.

Teeny Tiny Tomte 2nd Aug 2014
This little chap is even more teeny tiny than I realised!

If I made another I would use 2.50 mm needles instead of 2.75mm and STUFF as I sew as the legs and arms are prone to distort more.
I used the 3.25 mm needles on the Foxy Faux Fur and would add more rows to create a longer BEARD.
Robin Double Knit Colorway Dark red
Sirdar Foxy Colorway 430 Sable
Wendy Double Knit Colorway Cream

viewed 226 times | helped 5 people
July 28, 2014
July 29, 2014
About this pattern
1676 projects, in 1233 queues
Woolmaniac's overall rating
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About this yarn
by Robin
100% Acrylic
328 yards / 100 grams

6558 projects

stashed 3222 times

Woolmaniac's star rating
Woolmaniac's adjectives for this yarn
  1. Good value
  2. Great colour range
  3. Easy to use
About this yarn
by Bergère de France
Super Bulky
100% Nylon
20 yards / 100 grams

42 projects

stashed 89 times

Woolmaniac's star rating
  • Originally queued: January 14, 2014
  • Project created: July 28, 2014
  • Finished: August 1, 2014
  • Updated: September 6, 2019
  • Progress updates: 4 updates