This beret caught my eye because of its intriguing Bruges Lace design, especially as my crochet experience is only just now picking up and I’m always keen to find new projects to advance my skills. This pattern is not as intricate as I had first imagined, since each round is essentially worked flat, initially separately and then incorporated into the previous row, at intervals.
However, if you’re like me and noted the pattern note, at the beginning of the instructions, which states that: All stitches are worked in BACK loops unless otherwise stated. it is easy to be caught out/forget once you start and have to unpick and start again! ;O)
I was slightly surprised / disappointed, in these desktop publishing times, when pattern instructions neglect to include photos of the various in-progress stages, as people always benefit from visual prompts. The making-up sewing instructions are a bit sparse, which is a shame.
It was a fun and quick project up until the final BAND, when my brim seemed way to sloppy and unfitted. The wool mats easily which, therefore, makes it hard to unpick for re-working. I had to set this project aside to rethink it when I’ve gotten over my latest throat cold bug :-( !
Since then I realised that I misread some pattern instructions!
I needed more wool than the quantity I had with the Rowan Creative Focus Worsted magenta single skein, which also matts after each unpick and rework, so I decided to re-work in another wool. I reworked it in Debbie Bliss Aran. It took 70g. It seemed smaller than I imagined. Completed 18.07.15