Plain old houndstooth: 2x2.
46 copper, 44 white.
(Turns out it was 53 x 52. Oops!)
100” long.
(Turns out it was 80” long.)
10/10/23: wound on.
Did a buttonhole weft saver. Easy-peasy.
Rummaging through my yarn to find scraps of darks.
I’ll also have to find one more Patons Classic Merino in Winter White.
Color order:
6 shots Heilo. Buttonhole stitch over 3.
5 double (+1) rows of Heilo Brown, 5 double rows of Winter White.
3 double rows of black, 3 of Winter White.
3 double rows of Heilo Brown, 3 of Winter White.
‘ * ‘
3 double rows of Christmas Red, 3 of Winter White.
3 double rows of Gold, 3 of Winter White.
3 double rows of Teal over Plymouth Gray, 3 of Winter White.
3 double rows of black, 3 of Winter White.
3 double rows of Heilo Brown, 3 of Winter White.
3 double rows of Koolaid Orange over Jade, 3 of Winter White.
3 double rows of Teal over Winter White, 3 of Winter White.
3 double rows of Gold over Plymouth Gray, 3 of Winter White.
‘ * * ‘ ( ignore this the first time)
3 double rows Black, 3 of Winter White.
3 double rows Heilo Brown, 3 of Winter White.
Repeat from ‘ * ‘ to ‘ * * ‘,
ending 3 double rows Heilo Brown, 3 of Winter White.
3 double rows Black, 3 of Winter White.
5 double rows Heilo Brown, 5 of Winter White.
Then 5 rows of brown. End with buttonhole stitch.
Because I ran out of some yarn, the actual weave was different from this. At the center of the scarf, I lengthened the brown and black stripes, then started with Orange Koolaid over Jade Green.
I also began the last 3 rows earlier. So the second half is not exactly like the first half.
Finished and taken off the loom.
Need to cut and twist the fringes, then it goes for its spa treatment.
Fringe cut at 6 1/2”. Twisted 25 times, then knotted and twisted back on itself.
Washed and soaking in rinse water overnight.
Drained and Spun in the washer. Hanging to dry.
Ironed it and cut off the scraggly bits. There is one black end that was missed by one weft thread. I still need to fix this.
Cut the ends of the fringes down to 5” and calling it done.