Turned twill towels for Jaki, and my first 8-shaft pattern.
Note on tension:
Use a mirror when treading to determine if all threads are lifted or not. Or choose another loom for the turned twill.
All are 5 yds long:
4 ends, brun fonce
3x24 ends 8/2 cotton, brun fonce
3x24 ends 8/2 cotton, beige
3x24 ends 8/2 cotton, seaton
3x24 ends 8/2 cotton, brun chocolat
3x24 ends 8/2 cotton, pèche
3x24 ends 8/2 cotton, teal
3x24 ends 8/2 cotton, brun fonce
4 ends, brun fonce
Warped and wound on, 4/24/2021.
Threading, 4/25/2021.
One and a third color left to thread.
Threading complete.
Started sleying.
Sleying and tying on complete.
Started weaving.
This feels wrong.
It is impossible to throw the shuttle.
Threads on shafts 5-8 are loose.
Okay. This is slow, but doable.
Number one is done. It is mostly a sampler, with many colors and different thread counts at the beginning.
Number two will be all dark brown, peach, and teal.
Remember to keep the tension tight at all times.
One more square and the hem to go on the second towel.
Third towel, same as the second. Beating on open and closed shed before throwing the shuttle. It’s going better, and the spots are closer to being correct now.
Third towel done.
Fourth towel done, and off the loom.
They are done, but they are far short of perfect. So many of the little squares have skips in them. Oh, well.