LOUIE #07: Italian Monk’s Belt
January 17, 2023
October 24, 2023

LOUIE #07: Italian Monk’s Belt

Project info
Italian Monk’s Belt
22 x 32”
Tools and equipment
Voyageur (Louie)
16 epi

2023: Year of Overshot #2

Warp worksheet

Loom and warp: Louie #07
Pattern: Italian Monk’s Belt.
Materials: 8/2 cotton for warp and tabby weft, 1680 yds per spool.
Color: white.

Width: about 22” (towel)
Epi: 16
Reed: 12 dpi (1-1-2)

Initial warp ends: 22” x 16 epi = 352
Initial pattern repeat: / 48 ends
= 7.3333 (patterns)

48 ends * 8 = 384 ends. / 16 epi = 24”. Too wide.

352 + 16 = 368 ends / 16 epi = 23”.
370 ends (includes 2 floating selvedges.)

Warp Length

5 yards
4 towels

5 yds * 370 ends = 1850 yds. 1+ spools WHITE.
1680 +170 yds

Winding Warp

X 16 * 6 = 96
X 16 * 6 = 96
X 16 * 6 = 96
X 16 * 5 = 80 + 2 ends

Threading Heddles

REMEMBER TO THREAD 4-3-2-1 four times FIRST before beginning the draft.

This is going slowly.

02/04/2023: Half is threaded.

02/07/2023: All threaded. Whew! I don’t know why this took so long.

Sleying Reed

1-1-2 ends in a 12-dent reed to get 16 ends per inch.

Done 02/9/23.

Tieing On

Done 2/10/2023.

The pattern thread is followed by the tabby.

I started weaving, but the warp is 1/2” too high. Consequently, the shuttle catches the warp threads about half way across. I don’t know how to fix it. Guess I’ll have to ask over in the LeClerc group.

Meanwhile, I’m using a rag shuttle to avoid picking up extra ends.


Tabby =white 8/2
Pattern = Saumon 8/4

2/11: wound the shuttle again with saumon.
2/11: wound a second shuttle with blanchi. I tried the regular LeClerc shuttle with the closed bottom. It works.

Note: After I finished the first towel, the reed fell out of the holder. Months later, Jim put it back in for me.


A. One shot of pattern (SAUMON)on 1&2, then one shot of tabby (WHITE), first on 2&4, then on 1&3. (4 shots pattern.)
B. One shot of pattern on 3&4, then one shot of tabby, first on 2&4, then on 1&3. (4 shots pattern.)
A. One shot of pattern on 1&2, then one shot of tabby, first on 2&4, then on 1&3. (4 shots pattern.)
C. To separate: 2&4 with pattern, 1&3 with tabby, 4 times.
Repeat for pattern.

Phew! Done 7/2/23. I only had to tighten the reed once.


USING turquoise, doubled, for pattern.
Using threading I. Use tabby.
3&4 pattern, 4 times.
(1&2, 3&4), 8 times.
1&2 pattern, 4 times.
(3&4, 1&2), 8 times.


The upright metal bar fell out of the left side of the reed assembly.
What the heck???


Ok. Jim helped me fix the other side of the reed holder. Back in business. The only problem is that the wood is hitting the uprights. I’ll fix that when I finish the towels.


Worked 6”.




Started one with brick pattern.
Worked 12”.


Finished the brick towel.


Started one with shadow-y pattern (reversed position of tabby and pattern.)

Shadow-y is from Helene Bress, The Weaving Book,
p. 364.


Worked one repeat of regular “Italian monk’s belt” as an accent after a little bit of the shadow-y pattern. Then returned to shadow-y.


I got about 18” out of the 5th “towel.”

Cut everything off the loom.

7/13/23: A

1/10 - 2/10 to get the loom ready to weave.
2/10 - 7/13 to weave the projects. Wow. I think I’ll do the rest of the monk’s belt projects on Love.


Towels 1, 3, 4, and 5 are hemmed.
Towel 2 still needs to be redone.


Towel 2 rehemmed today.

All towels pressed.

Pictures in the morning.

viewed 147 times
January 17, 2023
October 24, 2023
  • Project created: January 10, 2023
  • Finished: October 25, 2023
  • Updated: October 26, 2023
  • Progress updates: 7 updates