LOVE #08: Christmas Crackle Towels
December 7, 2020
February 8, 2021

LOVE #08: Christmas Crackle Towels

Project info
BethAnn Duncan's Crackle Workshop
Practice and gifts
~20" wide x -34" long
Tools and equipment
Love (HDT6)
20 epi x 20 ppi

If I follow the list of towels under WEFT,
I can weave this entirely from stash. Oh, yeah!


8/2 cotton, blanchi

20 epi x 22” = 440 ends.
So I need to aim for around 440 ends, give or take what I need to make the pattern work.
Crackle blocks are 4 ends each plus an incidental at the end of a series of each block repeat.

I could use a FS the same color as the weft.

Warp length:
Wind 1 yard for loom waste and 1 yard per towel: 7 yards.

Dec 7

Bout 1: 80 ends.

Dec 9

Bout 2: 80 ends.

Dec 10

Bout 3: 80 ends.

Dec 12

Bout 5: 84 ends.

Bout 4: 83 ends.

Dec 13

Ends wound onto back beam.

Dec 14

Half the ends threaded.

Dec 15

The other half of the ends threaded, except 4.
Oh, I missed 4 right about half way through.

Dec 16

Appears to be fixed now.
I’m going to tie it on the cloth apron and check it out.

It’s fixed. Time to weave!

Dec 17

Cat’s first towel…orange pale and peach.
Single Summer and Winter.
A: 1 a 2 b (4 times)
B: 2 a 3 b (4 times)
C: 3 a 4 b (4 times)
D: 4 a 1 b (4 times)
E: 3 a 4 b (4 times)
F: 2 a 3 b (4 times)
All numbers: with orange pale, doubled.
All letters: with peach, single.

Dec 18

Day 2, towel 1.
Weaving is slow, but I’m picking up a little steam with the new day.

Dec 19

Cat’s first towel is done.

Starting on a second one in vert nil.
Pattern is Ms and Ws.

Dec 20

Cat’s second towel is done.

Third towel is on the loom.
It is treadled like straight twill with a tabby thread in between.

Dec 21

Third towel is done.

Dec 22

Finally started the fourth one.
I’m making smaller diamonds this time, in overshot.
With tabby a & b between.

Dec 23

More work on towel 4.

Dec 26

More work on towel 4.

Dec 28

Towel 5.
Pattern color is olive fonce.
Tabby is limette.

18-20 picks plain weave, limette.

1 a 1 b
2 a 2 b
3 a 3 b
4 a 4 b
3 a 3 b
2 a 2 b
1 a 1 b

4 picks plain weave.

1 a 1 b twice
2 a 2 b twice
3 a 3 b twice
4 a 4 b twice
3 a 3 b twice
2 a 2 b twice
1 a 1 b twice

4 picks plain weave.

1 a 1 b
2 a 2 b
3 a 3 b
4 a 4 b
3 a 3 b
2 a 2 b
1 a 1 b

4 picks plain weave.

For the main towel:
1 a 1 b
2 picks plain weave

Then for the end,
Repeat from beginning again.

Dec 29

Towel 5 done.

Dec 30

Revisiting #1. Working diamond in overshot.

Jan 11

Halfway done, working on the 7th towel:
6 colors plus white for tabby:
* 1a1b1a1b
Repeat from * .

Jan 12

Warp is done, so I’m DONE weaving.

Feb 8

It took me a while to get the hems done. I decided to do them by hand. Takes about 1/2 hour per hem with interruptions.


Reds and black.
Orange, Peach and greens.

viewed 240 times | helped 2 people
December 7, 2020
February 8, 2021
  • Project created: August 18, 2020
  • Finished: February 8, 2021
  • Updated: October 9, 2022
  • Progress updates: 11 updates