Pokeball Drawstring Pouch
August 9, 2016
August 9, 2016

Pokeball Drawstring Pouch

Project info
Drawstring Pouch by A Hermit's Wish
5mm hook
Hooks & yarn
5.0 mm (H)


my changes to make it a pokeball

start with white
r10 change to black
r12 change to red
r 15 is made on r17 continue with the dc around
r18 is done again for r19 then finished

make the button using black first
r1 in a mc to 10dc sl to start
r2 dc in first 2 dc in next repeat sl to start leaving a long tail for sewing on

using white in a mc dc 10 sl to start leaving a long tail
for sewing

sew white button on to black button then sew button under the drawstrings on the 2 black rows leaving some edging on both red and white

viewed 2 times
August 9, 2016
August 9, 2016
About this pattern
3 projects, in 6 queues
Zombiemombie0304's overall rating
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Zombiemombie0304's difficulty rating
  • Project created: August 9, 2016
  • Updated: August 11, 2016