Tapis de gamelles pour chat
January 5, 2020
January 17, 2020

Tapis de gamelles pour chat

Project info
Technicolor Cat Bed by DankFiber
My cat Alias
Hooks & yarn
6.0 mm (J)
A.Z. Garne Complesso
Woll Butt Dialara


→ Au départ, je comptais crocheter le panier “Technicolor cat bed” de DankFiber Designs. Cependant, je n’avais pas encore fini la base que je suis arrivée à court de fil Complesso vert pomme. Plutôt que de tout défaire, j’ai décidé de garder cet ouvrage et de m’en servir comme un tapis pour gamelles, histoire de rester dans le thème des chats !

→ J’ai donc crocheté ce tapis pour les gamelles de mon petit gros chat Alias.

→ J’ai crocheté ensemble un brin de Woll Butt Dialara et un brin de A.Z. Garne Complesso afin de correspondre à la taille de crochet 6mm.

→ Le tapis mesure environ 44cm de diamètre.


→ Originally, I was going to crochet the “Technicolor cat bed” from DankFiber Designs. However, I hadn’t finished the base yet when I ran out of Complesso apple green yarn. Rather than unraveling the whole thing, I decided to keep it and use it as a bowl mat to stay in the cat theme !

→ So I crocheted this mat for my little big cat Alias’ bowls.

→ I crocheted together a strand of Woll Butt Dialara and a strand of A.Z. Garne Complesso to match the 6mm crochet hook size.

→ The mat measures about 44cm (17.3”) in diameter.

viewed 1 time
January 5, 2020
January 17, 2020
About this pattern
33 projects, in 91 queues
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About this yarn
by A.Z. Garne
80% Acrylic, 20% Wool
120 yards / 50 grams

175 projects

stashed 107 times

aGhexia's star rating
About this yarn
by Woll Butt
100% Acrylic
295 yards / 100 grams

10 projects

stashed 7 times

aGhexia's star rating
  • Project created: September 21, 2022
  • Updated: September 21, 2022