Dinosaur Crossing
March 20, 2023
April 3, 2023

Dinosaur Crossing

Tester project info
Dinosaur Crossing by Emily Wood
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Needles & yarn
Wonderland Yarns & Frabjous Fibers Mary Ann
in stash

I’ve probably decided on my color order, using minis from the Wonderland Yarns 2022 Advent set. I also got lucky and was able to go ‘shopping’ in my Mom’s stash of beads partying_faceheart She let me take all her size 6/0 beads!!

I’m not sure which color of beads I’ll use with which yarn, and I’ve still to do the math on how many beads I have and will need. crossed_fingerssmileheart

Mini Skeins: Wonderland Yarns, ‘Mary Ann’: 118yds/28-30g

I can’t wait to start star-struck


I have 63g of beads, so at 3g per footprint, I can bead 21 prints. Trying to decide how I’m doing that: a scattered rainbow, or each print getting its own color to compliment the yarn thinking_face


Starting on the test knit. Thru Chart 1, Row 36 (of 80). Looks good! Very nice rhythm in the pattern smileheart


Finished Chart 1! partying_facesmileheart


I’ve worked thru Row 16, Chart 2, placing my first 2 beads. This will take some practice, but should make it much more fun smiletada


Finished Chart 2! partying_facetadapartying_facesmileheart Beaded my first ever knit project! And I love the way this works!gringrinheart


Chart 3 done! partying_faceheartsmile. I started Chart 3 with my second mini skein. The first footprint is in a rainbow of my beads, while the second is going to be gold/yellow. On to Chart 4!grin. I’ll continue this color thru the other half of my current beaded footprint, then see how much I’ve left.


Halfway thru the first repeat of Chart 4, I’ve finished my third beaded footprint smilepartying_face


Finished thru Row 16, in the first repeat of Chart 4, and my third beaded footprint partying_facesmile. I’ll be switching to my third color of yarn now, and I’m hoping I can continue to get 2 full beaded prints per mini skein crossed_fingers


After changing to my third mini skein, I’ve finished another beaded footprint in Chart 4, ending in row 16. I’m hoping to get one more done tonite crossed_fingers

I also added the photos of my heavily notated Chart 4. I’ll need to Anne d the numbering system up the right hand side once I’m done with the first set of repeats.


Finished the 5th beaded footprint, halfway thru the third repeat of Chart 4. I’ve also just enough yarn for this before switching colors.

I’d like to have my beaded footprints stay as 2 per mini skein, I see some problems zany_face. But I’m going to keep going, trusting the yarn will keep working. (Plus, three of the four colors coming up are nearly the same to me, since I’m slightly colorblind shushing_faceface_with_hand_over_mouth)

My next mini skein is a dark purple, followed by 3 blues, and a possibility of needing the 8th teal mini.

Very fun pattern with a wonderful rhythm still. The more times I do Chart 4, the easier it is to ‘read’ the knitting and notice any problems grinheart


6 1/2 beaded footprints done, finished with the 4th repeat of Chart 4 (the ‘straight’ section). partying_faceheartsmile


Finished a bunch today!!partying_facesmileheart I finished the 6th repeat of Chart 4 (second of 3 decrease repeats), and 8 1/2 footprints partying_face

Still loving the pattern!


I’ve finished the 7th repeat of Chart 4, and Chart 5, along with my 11th beaded footprint. I’ve finished my 6th mini skein, so I’ll be using my 7th for the final 2 charts (I think). I’ve one more beaded footprint as I decrease back to the point at this end partying_facesmileheart


Finished!smilepartying_facehearttada. That was my fastest knit project ever! It’s smushy, light weight, and very colorful!grin. I think it’ll be very fun to share heart


It’s blocking! partying_facesmileheart Very fun project, and I can almost see the color changes smile I do really like my trail of Dino footprints t-rex. Makes me think the theropod had painted toenails rolling_on_the_floor_laughing

viewed 17 times
March 20, 2023
April 3, 2023
About this pattern
8 projects, in 20 queues
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About this yarn
by Wonderland Yarns & Frabjous Fibers
Light Fingering
85% Merino, 15% Nylon
475 yards / 113 grams

2260 projects

stashed 3134 times

acd101's star rating
  • Project created: March 20, 2023
  • Finished: April 3, 2023
  • Updated: January 17, 2024