Getting a good start on Liam’s stocking, he’s sort of a little star gazer so I’m using a night sky motif for the leg part (my knit star charts always seem to develop a Dr. Suess-ish quality, thanks for the inspiration Mr. Geisel!…)
18 Dec: Just starting the heel, I think this one will be ready for the big day, not really sure about the hod-podge of colours I used but that’s what I get for using bits & peices left over from other projects, Liam likes lots of bright shades so hopefully he’ll approve…
I put a smiley face star on his heel to always remember what a shining happy guy he is…
When asked what else he wanted on his stocking, he replied “choo-choo” (He’s a big Thomas the Tank Engine fan at the moment) so I drafted a choo-choo chart to fit 1/2 of the 88 foot sts (the same motifs appear on both sides, only the colours in the flags & train cars are different)
- So, maybe someday he’ll be an astronomer or a railroad engineer? Wonder if stocking influence carries that much joo-joo???? I know that the stocking my beloved Aunt Lillian made for me gave me a lifelong love of lots & lots of colour & a great admiration of all things hand-made (especially of wool!)-hmmm…
Finished size approx. 23” circumference x 33” Long.